The Steve Schmidt twitter storm

Has anyone else been reading this stuff?

I tend to believe him, Quite a story.

Interesting stuff about McCain's Russian connections in 2008.

Thank you for starting this thread. I was thinking of doing it myself. Vladimir Putin and his Russian cohorts were playing a long game…. A VERY long game in attempting to neutralize the United States as a threat to Russian hegemony over Europe. 
The longer this goes on the more we learn about Russian influence in the Republican party. It's like a spider's web that connects literally everything in some way. I feel like it will never all be exposed because it's just so much and so deeply entrenched. How in the hell can Democrats pull us back from the brink of all of this corruption? We expect so damn much from the Democrat party to fix all of this when it's unfathomable and relentless what the Republican party has been up to.!!

Wonder if Nicole Wallace will invite Steve Schmidt on her show to discuss it, He used to be a frequent guest.

 They both worked on McCain's campaign with Palin.

Good HBO movie on the whole campaign was Game Change. Steve Schmidt was played by Woody Harrelson.

I have very ambivalent feelings about Steve Schmidt.  He talks very grandly, righteously, sounding like Moses coming down from the mountains.  He's pointed out the moral flaws of Trumpism for years, and created brilliant ads  As an ex-Republican co-founder of the Lincoln Project, his work was impressive, until I read that the founders were raking in multi-millions for themselves, in addition to their ads, but maybe that's just par for the course with political consultants and their funds, don't know about finances in that apparently murky world.  

For years he seemed to take responsibility for Palin, apologizing for it as if it was his responsibility and mistake, but now he says he had a limited role, which may be true.  Certainly McCain's daughter deserved to be taken down, not only by everyone else, but by himself, as he shouldn't be trashed by her for years and accused of being a pedophile.  His recent revelations about McCain's affair and the Russian influences in the campaign are significant, and the latter is particularly concerning.  So now, I like to listen to what he has to say sometimes, but with a bit of skepticism mixed in with appreciation for what he has done and how he often frames issues.

The Republicans are a proxy for Russia and Democrats are a proxy for China.  

lord_pabulum said:

The Republicans are a proxy for Russia and Democrats are a proxy for China.  

Whataboutism taken to its perverse conclusion.

lord_pabulum said:

The Republicans are a proxy for Russia and Democrats are a proxy for China.  

just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water…

Jasmo said:

I have very ambivalent feelings about Steve Schmidt.  He talks very grandly, righteously, sounding like Moses coming down from the mountains.  He's pointed out the moral flaws of Trumpism for years, and created brilliant ads  As an ex-Republican co-founder of the Lincoln Project, his work was impressive, until I read that the founders were raking in multi-millions for themselves, in addition to their ads, but maybe that's just par for the course with political consultants and their funds, don't know about finances in that apparently murky world.  

For years he seemed to take responsibility for Palin, apologizing for it as if it was his responsibility and mistake, but now he says he had a limited role, which may be true.  Certainly McCain's daughter deserved to be taken down, not only by everyone else, but by himself, as he shouldn't be trashed by her for years and accused of being a pedophile.  His recent revelations about McCain's affair and the Russian influences in the campaign are significant, and the latter is particularly concerning.  So now, I like to listen to what he has to say sometimes, but with a bit of skepticism mixed in with appreciation for what he has done and how he often frames issues.

Quite a bit is explained in Game Change written by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. It was made into the HBO film by the same name.

I was seduced by Steve Schmidt's language skills. I just love listening to him and yes the Lincoln Project ads were impressive. 

I can listen to theories that I do not agree with if they are presented with either skill or courtesy. May not change my mind but I'll listen. Among the many things that made me shudder about Trump was his loud, crude carnival barker style. I may have disagreed with McCain but I listened so I'm prepared to be disappointed by the new revelations.

GoSlugs said:

Whataboutism taken to its perverse conclusion.

you gotta love the bromance between Biden and xi jinping holding hands at the foothills of Himalayas.  Now that's perverse. 

lord_pabulum said:

GoSlugs said:

Whataboutism taken to its perverse conclusion.

you gotta love the bromance between Biden and xi jinping holding hands at the foothills of Himalayas.  Now that's perverse. 

Speaking of jackassery...

Schmidt tears into the NYT's political reporting (and Maggie Haberman)

His account is well documented and completely believable.

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