The Rittenhouse Trial

Is anyone watching the trial. I stumbled upon it and got sucked in. Rittenhouse is not what I expected. I'm wondering if he has won over any of the jury.  He burst into hysterical tears and his resume reads like he is Boy Scout of the year and his baby face is right out of central casting.

The judge has been visibly angry with the prosecutor. I'm not sure how serious the infraction was but it seemed overly emotional. To me the prosecution is doing a good job. 

Wondering if he is going to get off.

I think he'll get off. I think the prosecution may have overstepped. 

But god do I hate that little sh!t.

I have the same reaction to that boy. 

But I realize he will bring out a protective response among so many people. Recounting his washing graffiti off a building, joining the Fire Dept. Cadets, the desire for EMT training. Any Dems condemning him will be demonized.

Law & Order SVU has had its share of wanna be cops who turn vigilante. 

He's the guy who everyone will describe some day with the pharse, "but he was such a nice young man".

This is fine. 

I think the prosecutor is deliberately sabotaging the trial. The fix is in…

The judge is also part of the fix. This is another example of how privileged people can get away with almost anything. I mean this guy was walking down the middle of the street with an AR 15 on his shoulder, and the cops just drove by him. 
I’m afraid this trial is just a show. A siht show. Even the acting is horrible. The real problem is the fact that these extreme “patriots”, are embedded in every sector of the judicial system. From judges right down to cops on the beat. We’re sitting on a powder keg. I really don’t know how much longer this country can hold on to civility. It’s like we’re backpedaling 200 years downhill.

sbenois said:

 Not surprised.

What kind of country is this, that half a million dollars is raised to defend a person who crossed state lines with an illegal assault rifle, and killed two people?

Jaytee said:

The judge is also part of the fix. This is another example of how privileged people can get away with almost anything. I mean this guy was walking down the middle of the street with an AR 15 on his shoulder, and the cops just drove by him. 

No one should be under an illusion the judiciary is unbiased.

Look at our state. Almost always the criminal court judge nominees are prosecutors or former prosecutors. Nominating a legal aid attorney is to invite being weak on crime criticism besides possible attacks from LEO unions.

I thought the judge went overboard. Wondered if it was just me and then caught a few minutes of Morning Joe and Scarborough referred to his behavior as "disgusting". It was suggested that he was playing for an audience and mentioned that he was elected.

As for Tulsi Gabbard maybe she can invite Rittenhouse to Hawaii. Wonder if he can carry his weapon on the plane.

I don't share Tulsi's protective instinct. His hysterical crying just made me want to smack him. One of my friends thought it was an appropriate response.

sbenois said:

It won't be long before Tulsi is posing with semi-automatic weapons like a mash-up of Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene. 

Closing arguments - I have it on in the background.  Still not sure if the prosecutions case will be strong enough.

drummerboy said:

I'm relieved that this is the perception of this judge. I struggle to preserve my objectivity, not always successful, but in this case I kept questioning my reaction to the judge. I just couldn't believe he could be so over the top. 

Based on the evidence - not guilty.  Based on corporate media - white  supremacist

now where'd they get that idea?

The judge dismissed the lesser illegal gun charge, leaving the jury only serious charges to pick from if they want to find a guy who brought a semi-auto rifle across state lines to claim self-defense innocent.  In other words, the judge did Rittenhouse no favors if the jury wants to have a fall-back judgment option.  51% chance of guilty on at least one charge, I think.

so the first guy Rittenhouse shot was not armed, and threw a bag at him.  The defense argument is that it's self-defense because Rittenhouse feared the unarmed guy would try to disarm the armed guy pointing a rifle at him.  The second guy was "armed" with a skateboard, trying to disarm Rittenhouse who had already shot one unarmed person.  It's a pretty shaky argument that you illegally carry a gun into a crowd, and claim self-defense because the people you're pointing your gun at try to disarm you.

I would probably vote to acquit on the third shooting since both guys were aiming guns at each other.  But if Rittenhouse is acquitted of killing the other two, it's sending a message to vigilantes that they can behave as provocatively as they want with a firearm, and as soon as someone tries to stop them, it becomes "self-defense."

ml1 said:

so the first guy Rittenhouse shot was not armed, and threw a bag at him.  The defense argument is that it's self-defense because Rittenhouse feared the unarmed guy would try to disarm the armed guy pointing a rifle at him.  The second guy was "armed" with a skateboard, trying to disarm Rittenhouse who had already shot one unarmed person.  It's a pretty shaky argument that you illegally carry a gun into a crowd, and claim self-defense because the people you're pointing your gun at try to disarm you.

I would probably vote to acquit on the third shooting since both guys were aiming guns at each other.  But if Rittenhouse is acquitted of killing the other two, it's sending a message to vigilantes that they can behave as provocatively as they want with a firearm, and as soon as someone tries to stop them, it becomes "self-defense."

What if one of the first two men had successfully disarmed Rittenhouse, and then been subsequently charged with assault -- I wonder how well a claim to self-defense on their part would go.

If he gets out of this then Matt Gaetz is thinking of hiring him as a congressional intern. Instead of deservedly being a pariah he may end having a well paying career.

If nothing else, this case illustrates why civilized countries have laws against citizens carrying deadly weapons.

We barely qualify as a civilized country these days.

Let the protests begin 

oots said:

Let the protests begin 

I just heard someone outside of the courthouse say "Hold your head up high."  Disgusted. 

If he was old enough - T**** would have his perfect running mate.

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