The Right's anti-vaccine movement

The GOP has has a hard time promoting the vaccine:

You would really think that Operation Warp Speed could have been a cause for celebration on that side.  

Like I said on another thread - Hannity might be warming up to it a bit, but others like Tucker are still finding angles to attack a lot of pro-vaccine rhetoric.  His guest the other night was one of the guys behind the Great Barrington study.

Will they use the "Delta" variant as their reason to finally get on board?

jamie said:

Like I said on another thread - Hannity might be warming up to it a bit, but others like Tucker are still finding angles to attack a lot of pro-vaccine rhetoric.  His guest the other night was one of the guys behind the Great Barrington study.

Wait, we were told that the "Great Barrington" message was about lockdowns, not "anti-vax".

So now it's "anti-vax" after all? 

He had this guy on:

Seems like he's not a fan of the vaccination tactics - here he is on Ingraham:

His suggestion is to talk to your doctor first before getting vaccinated.

jamie said:

He had this guy on:

Seems like he's not a fan of the vaccination tactics - here he is on Ingraham:

His suggestion is to talk to your doctor first before getting vaccinated.

He's appearing with and helping the anti-vaxxers, no matter what other mealy-mouthed things he says.

So now telling people they should get vaccinated is bullying"? 

More proof that it's the right wingers who are the real snowflakes. 

study shows that watching Fox is a primary driver in getting people to avoid vaccinations.


Thought it may be a good topic to revisit two months later.  It feel like the Anti-vax movement is getting more political and stronger.

One thing I haven't seen reported on much is the role of FB algorithms in this movement.  Anti-vaxxers will more then likely get only stories in their feed to perpetuate their beliefs.  Breaking through I believe will be virtually impossible at this point.

Feels like mandates may be the only way moving forward.

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