James Taylor got bumped because of time constraints! Booooooooooo! Bring him back!
Most 50-75 year old white guys weren’t going to vote for her anyway.
Hey wait, remember a lot of us old folks were lefties back in the day, and a good number still are. The older=more conservative thing is a little broken. (And isn't 50 a little young for sweet baby James?)
Most 50-75 year old white guys weren’t going to vote for her anyway.
You mean hippies who burned their draft cards? Who marched against the Vietnam war? Who fought alongside women to win abortion rights? Went to Woodstock on Triumphs? Or younger baby boomers who hung out at Studio? You're joking right?
I posted on the Harris thread while I watched last night.
Rep. Joyce Beatty of Ohio!
Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow!
Hillary Clinton!!! What a speech!
Today I'll add that while women owned the night, on stage and in the crowd with a surprise appearance by Kamala Harris, I was moved beyond words when Jesse Jackson was wheeled out.
You mean hippies who burned their draft cards? Who marched against the Vietnam war? Who fought alongside women to win abortion rights? Went to Woodstock on Triumphs? Or younger baby boomers who hung out at Studio? You're joking right?
I think he meant most 50- to 75-year-old white guys.
You mean hippies who burned their draft cards? Who marched against the Vietnam war? Who fought alongside women to win abortion rights? Went to Woodstock on Triumphs? Or younger baby boomers who hung out at Studio? You're joking right?
Hm. Someone 75 today would have been born in 1949. So some of them certainly would have been the right age to burn their draft cards during Viet Nam. Someone 50 would have been born in 1974, After the Roe v Wade decision. I was 8 when Saigon fell.
I was genuinely trying to be funny, but the demographic I called out is one of the GOP’s stalwart groups. Yes there are a lot of older progressive/lefty white guys but I think a lot of those guys at Woodstock may have left those days behind. Or maybe they were just there to party and hopefully get laid. I’m sure there are plenty of guys my age who have no problem playing a James Taylor record while they short a bunch of stocks and make a few hundred million for their hedge fund.
We’re in a very specific part of the country where you’re going to meet a lot of liberal boomers. But across this nation, boomer/older Xer white dudes are largely Republican/Trumpist.
Hey wait, remember a lot of us old folks were lefties back in the day, and a good number still are. The older=more conservative thing is a little broken. (And isn't 50 a little young for sweet baby James?)
I love me some James Taylor and I clock in at a (prime number!) 57 years old.
I think it’s not just older, but older white and male specifically. I’ve been searching through statistics (instead of working) and it’s hard to find a breakdown that includes all three factors. But >45 years old (even more after 65 years old), white and male all individually preferred Trump by significant numbers. I don’t know what happens when you bring all of those into the equation.
You mean hippies who burned their draft cards? Who marched against the Vietnam war? Who fought alongside women to win abortion rights? Went to Woodstock on Triumphs? Or younger baby boomers who hung out at Studio? You're joking right?
I know a 75 year old hippie who lives in south orange, burned his draft card, went to Woodstock, and is now a MAGAt…
Again, guys 50+ voting for Trump, not my experience, maybe being from NYC makes a difference. I can't speak for red states.
Unfortunately the national statistics speak differently.
Here’s a chart for NJ voters in 2020 - source is Wikipedia based on a NY Times survey from election day. White voters over 45 was the only group where Trump had a majority. Another chart showing white men in blue NJ went for Trump.
Fox News and other conservatives - so easy to troll.
You would think they’d be smart enough to know not to take such obvious bait. But I think it’s not so much the intelligence of the editorial staff of Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News. I think it’s the regard they hold for the intelligence of their viewers. They know that Fox viewers are tuning in to have their fear and anger fed. So highlighting the fact that one black politician is wearing something similar to another black politician is perfect grievance fodder for the older white Fox viewers.
You would think they’d be smart enough to know not to take such obvious bait. But I think it’s not so much the intelligence of the editorial staff of Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News. I think it’s the regard they hold for the intelligence of their viewers. They know that Fox viewers are tuning in to have their fear and anger fed. So highlighting the fact that one black politician is wearing something similar to another black politician is perfect grievance fodder for the older white Fox viewers.
Exactly. I've always maintained that it's the right wing media and politicians who most look down on the conservative audience.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in Milwaukee tonight, at a packed rally in the arena where the GOP convention was, beamed onto the screen at the Democratic convention in Chicago, was a nice touch.
I haven't seen it all but so many great speeches. Hillary, AOC, and Warnock just crushed it!