Scrape off the overheated rhetoric and I actually agree with you.
This decision was made by a government entity. I thought your position is that government never does anything right. Yet they did this, which is right. So how do you resolve this conflict?
Tom, I bear sad news. The OP has been granted a vacation from MOL by our benevolent webmaster. A response to your inquiry would appear to be indefinitely delayed.
He can't answer, he's on a "break."
I don't recall him saying the government can't do anything right. Just that more often the private sector can do it better.
And this is a case of one government entity restricting the actions of another.
Who thinks that ramzzoinksus doesn't have additional screen names warehoused just for this purpose? I think that in the past he had done just that.
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A blow against the economy killing mindset first hatched under the New Deal and slowing growth ever since. Statists are crying today.
"WASHINGTON -- Score one for the little guy.
The Supreme Court sided with a renegade raisin farmer Monday in his battle against a federal program designed to keep excess raisins off the market.
A majority of justices ruled that the Agriculture Department program, which seizes excess raisins from producers in order to prop up market prices during bumper crop years, amounted to an unconstitutional government "taking."
But they limited their verdict to raisins, lest they simultaneously overturn other government programs that limit production of goods without actually seizing private property."" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">