Stolen Lawn Sign

Over the last few weeks the lawn sign I had up for the BOE elections was pulled off its base and thrown in the street.

This morning the whole sign was taken.

I do not know if it was:

A supporter of the opposition

A Seton Hall student on one of their late night crawls home

A Columbia High School student or South Orange Middle School student who thought it was funny. Or just echoing the views of their parents.

Or just a neighbor who doesn't like signs.

In any event. It was a crime. It was vandalism it was theft it interfered with free speech and the political process. It was wrong. If you have had your sign tampered with please add your voice. If you see it happen say something

That's too bad. That means someone came onto your property and took something belonging to you.

I would hope it was a juvenile and not an adult who did this. Doesn't make it right, but at least you could understand the thought process.

Was it on your lawn or the berm?

all candidates lawn signs have been messed with - not just one candidate's. Usually kids are the culprits. It happens every election cycle. I saw some middle schoolers messing with my sign on the way home from school. Not a conspiracy

I had the opposite problem. One of the BOE campaigns placed a lawn sign on my property (not the berm) without my permission. I took it down.

Joan-- I'm inclined to think that was just a case of a mistaken address. It happens.

If it was once, I would agree with you but it happened two days in a row.

joan_crystal said:
I had the opposite problem. One of the BOE campaigns placed a lawn sign on my property (not the berm) without my permission. I took it down.
ctrzaska said:
Joan-- I'm inclined to think that was just a case of a mistaken address. It happens.
joan_crystal said:
If it was once, I would agree with you but it happened two days in a row.

Someone placed a lawn sign on your property two days in a row?

Yes. Two days in a row since I took down the first one.

Idiot opposition supporters did it, Likely an adult over 40. Happens all the time. I would not blame juveniles or Seton Hall Students. Get a new sign or two.... They are lazy....

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