Screw you Christie

That fat bastard, with no chances of being president, and future Fox News Contributor once he can't get elected dog catcher, has resorted to jumping up and down and shouting look at me." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

Well jokes on you dickweed.

Meh, he's as likely to be President as Mark Warner. Or George Pataki.

I wouldn't worry...

I think I'm safe in Oregon

I thought the bud mellowed people out.

Red_Barchetta said:
I thought the bud mellowed people out.

Why is everyone looking at me?

President Buzzkill. If ever we'd need to toke up, it would be upon his election.

dave23 said:

Red_Barchetta said:
I thought the bud mellowed people out.
Why is everyone looking at me?

Because your avatar reminds us of the movie we'd go see every weekend for months in '68, sit in the balcony and say, "Oh, wow," as we fired one up.

That's a great way for him to make sure he won't win in the important swing state Colorado. The dude is dumber then I thought he was.

Best retort I heard was, "he should f### himself now while it's still legal."

Let me see if I got this straight... Iowa has 7 electoral votes, New Hampshire 4, for a total of 11. And NJ has 15... I guess this proves what an effing idiot he is. It's a well known fact he would not win NJ

I've always taken the Don Lapre approach to drugs. If you're going to do something do it full throttle. Weed? HA! Brb i'm going to shoot this speedball and down it with a redbull mixed with liquid cocaine.

That and some pothead working on a group project with me at CHS dropped out taking 25% of the final grade value with them.

Do whatever drugs you want to do as long as it doesnt direct impact me

Don Lapre killed himself with a disposable Bic razor.

Definitely a guy who ran full throttle 24/7.

RobB said:
Don Lapre killed himself with a disposable Bic razor.
Definitely a guy who ran full throttle 24/7.

Tell me he wasn't coked up out of his mind during those "just place tiny little ads, in MILLIONS of newspapers, NATIONWIDE!!" Infomercials.

The item he was selling was some type of mortgage refinancing booklet.

Quality entertainment for sure - but a pretender to the throne. Behold TOM VU.

Forgive me. I was mistaken. Tom Vu we speak your name.

I understand a lot of people may be opposed to marijuana. It is difficult for me to take any stance one way or the other. But I do hope that people like Christie are at least honest about another fully legal drug in the US - alcohol.

"Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States- 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence along with several million more who engage in risky, binge drinking patterns that could lead to alcohol problems. More than half of all adults have a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking, and more than 7 million children live in a household where at least one parent is dependent on or has abused alcohol. Yet, for many people, the Facts About Alcohol and Alcoholism are not clear.

Facts About Alcohol:

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can affect all aspects of your life. Long-term alcohol use can cause serious health complications affecting virtually every organ in your body, including your brain. It can also damage your emotional stability, finances, career, and impact your family, friends and the people you work with."

The above is from:

And they quote the centers for Disease Control on outcomes:

"To get a better understanding of how devastating alcoholism is in our country, here are a few figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

"88,000 deaths are annually attributed to excessive alcohol use;
Alcoholism is the 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the nation;
Excessive alcohol use is responsible for 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) annually, or an average of about 30 years of potential life lost for each death;
Up to 40% of all hospital beds in the United States (except for those being used by maternity and intensive care patients) are being used to treat health conditions that are related to alcohol consumption.

"Over time, excessive alcohol use, both in the form of heavy drinking or binge drinking, can lead to numerous health problems, chronic diseases, neurological impairments and social problems, including but not limited to:

"Dementia, stroke and neuropathy;
Cardiovascular problems, including myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation and hypertension;
Psychiatric problems, including depression, anxiety, and suicide;
Social problems, including unemployment, lost productivity, family problems, violence including child maltreatment, fights and homicide;
Unintentional injuries, such as motor-vehicle traffic crashes, falls, drowning, burns and firearm injuries;
Increased risk for many kinds of cancers, including liver, mouth, throat, larynx (voice box) and esophagus;
Liver diseases, including fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis;
Gastrointestinal problems, including pancreatitis and gastritis."

I don't advocate getting rid of alcohol, yet at the same time it kills a lot of people and ruins even more lives. I would hope that Governor Christie would simply point out that being "tough on drugs" should be paralleled with being "tough on alcohol." I have no clue if the base he is trying to appeal to engages in drinking alcohol, perhaps a few to excess, because it is "American" or some other reason, but is anti-marijuana for political reasons.

Attached is a file from MADD on drunk driving deaths by state. Check each state. The number of traffic deaths in some states is enormous and they account for huge percentages of all traffic deaths.

What's infuriating is that he's put governing on hold so he can grab some headlines and thus get higher speaking fees after he leaves office, while Jerseyites suffer the consequences of his gutting the future of our public transportation and have to wait on delayed NJT trains every day.

On hold? Doesn't that imply that he was governing effectively at some point, but then became interested in grabbing headlines?

ParticleMan said:
On hold? Doesn't that imply that he was governing effectively at some point, but then became interested in grabbing headlines?

Given that, maybe we're better off if he stays away from his day job.

RobB said:
Quality entertainment for sure - but a pretender to the throne. Behold TOM VU.

“Don’t listen to your friends. They’re losers!”" width="" height="" alt="question" style="border:0;">" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">" width="" height="" alt="smile" style="border:0;">

ctrzaska said:

RobB said:
Quality entertainment for sure - but a pretender to the throne. Behold TOM VU.
“Don’t listen to your friends. They’re losers!”

Omg i forgot about that!

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