Sbenois PAC Called to Order: I simply can;t resist


Trump: Megyn, let me just start by saying how hot you look.

This is why it is call political"theater". Apprentice. Washington Version

It's quite the show.

Carson: We need a brain

Trump: We need "brain"

The rest all look down and say "*****, where are we going to find one of those?"

Just found out that our low cost promo package from FiOS does not include Fox News. And I refuse to pay up for that channel.

sbenois for President!

Yeah! I was hoping you would start this thread." width="" height="" alt="question" style="border:0;">

mfpark said:
Just found out that our low cost promo package from FiOS does not include Fox News. And I refuse to pay up for that channel.

FiOS = liberal media

hankzona said:

mfpark said:
Just found out that our low cost promo package from FiOS does not include Fox News. And I refuse to pay up for that channel.
FiOS = liberal media

Probably owned by the Steinbrenners.

WTF is on Rand Paul's head?

Rand Paul: I'm the leading voice in America for not arming the allies of ISIS

Christie: are there ices around here? I'll have a chocolate with a scoop of lemon. And some napkins. Thanks

dave23 said:
WTF is on Rand Paul's head?

I can't wait for the SNL wig for that hair

Kasich: everyone has a right to their God-given purpose.

Except if you are a woman.

Kasich is going to be kicked off the stage for being reasonable.

dave23 said:
WTF is on Rand Paul's head?

Looks like a new toupee special for the debate

I was thinking the same thing. Odd isn't it?

dave23 said:
Kasich is going to be kicked off the stage for being reasonable.

Immigration: Governor Bush do you stand by your support for earned legal status?

Trump: of course he supports it but go ask the people of Texas and Arizona what they think about it. I will build a wall. Remember, they're rapists? I will ask again: who is doing the raping?

(at a luxurious house in California an elderly man who thinks he is watching The Celebrity Apprentice suddenly asks Theo to get him some more Jello Pudding while he finds the remote to change the channel)

Trump just calls reporters liars.

Anyone else suprised at the level of the questioning from the Fox talking heads

Our leaders are stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Boohoo! Statesmanship! Let him go to Moscow, Berlin Paris and call everyone stupid. Stupid, stupid! Cleveland boos! Cut for commercial.

Trump just got booed! Stupid leaders?

A break in the action...this sums up the first 25 minutes...

I promised myself

To only watch on You Tube

Alas, I am weak

The press is setting up the rage. I love the look.on the Donald's face. What a spoof! These are republicans? The party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. Rubio makes a good point about El Chapo building a tunnel under the fence!

Walker gets polite applause. Makes me happy for Madison WI.that Walker's no star.

This is brilliant reality television.

Chris Wallace: Governor Kasich I know that you don't like to talk about Mr. Trump but what do you think?

Here's the thing about Donald Trump, he's hitting a nerve with people in this country.

It's about time someone determined if Gary Busey has any nerves left.

Marco asks for some water.

Kasich's not wearing a flag lapel pin. Electrocution or firing squad?

Chris Wallace: Governor Walker, I'm sure that you are aware of the fact that Jeb's sister in law Laura was a school teacher before becoming the first lady. If she came to you and asked for support for teachers how would you react to that?

Christie: I'd punch her in the face

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