I know most of us just laugh at this, but I think it's becoming a serious problem.

It's growing in popularity, and is starting to be embraced by elected officials and candidates.

Fox News is bad enough, but Q is in another dimension of disinformation.

Or, maybe it isn't? Is it just another piece of the information morass and doesn't matter as much as the whole?

I dunno, but I don't like it.

This is something that definitely needs cancelling.

I see the Times is on the case too. Haven't read the piece yet.

ETA: It's a good explanatory piece. Free of the bothsider-ism germ.


If Democrats and Progressives used the same tactics as the Right the internet would be filled with "Did Fred Trump, Jr. really commit suicide or was he murdered by Donald"?

STANV said:

If Democrats and Progressives used the same tactics as the Right the internet would be filled with "Did Fred Trump, Jr. really commit suicide or was he murdered by Donald"?

 to cover up the Donald's pedophilia

Qanon believer wins R primary in heavily red district. Will almost surely win the general.


Every time Trump and crew attack "Radical Left Democrats" Biden campaign should mention this nut-job.

Trump's on board!

This documentary was real eased the very day it’s host was arrested. Coincidence? This is they don’t you want you to see, etc.

ETA: don’t watch this video. Don’t push play. In fact I just deleted it.

Media Matters says there are 70 Republican congressional candidates that embrace QANON, I think that includes people who ran in a primary and lost. We've even got one  in NJ.


To get some clues about what might happen after the election, we can look at the case of Marjorie Taylor Greene, who this week won a runoff in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, all but guaranteeing her a seat in Congress.

Greene has a lengthy history of not just promoting QAnon but of posting racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim videos online. When she won the runoff, Trump tweeted his congratulations, calling her a “future Republican Star” and “a real WINNER!” Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Rep. Douglas A. Collins, competing for a Senate seat in Georgia, both applauded Greene’s victory. “It’s clear that we need more outsiders with business sense in Washington,” said Loeffler.

If Greene were alone, it might not be so important. But QAnon followers have won Republican nominations for U.S. Senate in Oregon and for House seats in Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio and Texas. Media Matters for America has identified 70 Republican congressional candidates who have promoted QAnon this year.

And how have Republicans in Congress reacted? Only one, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), had the courage to say that there is “no place in Congress for these conspiracies.” In response, the Trump campaign attacked him. Politico reported that the House Freedom Caucus, the home of far-right congressional Republicans, is “actively supporting Greene and recruited her to run for the deep red seat instead of a more competitive one.” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) — who had criticized Greene’s views before — released a statement saying he looked forward to her winning in November

Trump weighs in

An "explainer" in today's NY Times -


What is QAnon?

QAnon is the umbrella term for a sprawling set of internet conspiracy theories that allege, falsely, that the world is run by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who are plotting against Mr. Trump while operating a global child sex-trafficking ring.

QAnon followers believe that this clique includes top Democrats including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros, as well as a number of entertainers and Hollywood celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres and religious figures including Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama. Many of them also believe that, in addition to molesting children, members of this group kill and eat their victims in order to extract a life-extending chemical from their blood.

According to QAnon lore, Mr. Trump was recruited by top military generals to run for president in 2016 in order to break up this criminal conspiracy, end its control of politics and the media, and bring its members to justice.

Is that all?

Not by a long shot. ...

That life-extending chemical is Adrenochrome. It took me a long time to put 2.45 and 2.45 together.

I have to give Qanon some credit - they put together a helluva story.

Almost as if the creators were saying "hey, how batsh!t crazy can we make this and still have people believe it?"

And I thought Infowars' lizard people crap was a stretch.

we're doomed.

Dems simply need to out-do QAnon.  I want the best artists painting giant murals of Trump as Jesus on the cross.    Then hire a media firm to create spots saying the only way to commence the end of days is to re-crucify the Trump/Jesus (Trump may even go for it if we buy enough ad slots around Tucker Carlson's show on Fox).  This effectively keeps Trump from going near large crowds of Evangelicals. 

Then we need a UFO wing for the Smithsonian, a sub-department of Transportation dedicated to elevator rides into the Earth's core for the curious.  A total revamp  of the office of standards and measurements, where cartographers plot out new maps of the flat Earth, which tech firms must implement immediately.   Also while we're at it, add ten minutes to each day to help create jobs for watchmakers.

Here's the difference, though.   We're XAnon.   We confuse the confused.  Then we have Hollywood make movies of QAnon human trafficking, running drugs, helping undocumented people cross the border, taking peyote and sweating out fever dreams in the desert. 

At some point everyone agrees we've woken up from a bad hangover and return to politics 1990s style.

The more I read about QAnon, the more this seems like an unnecessary sequel to Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco.

The difference being Eco used actual sources and scholarship.

This should probably go in the rose garden thread

dave said:

Dems simply need to out-do QAnon.  I want the best artists painting giant murals of Trump as Jesus on the cross.    Then hire a media firm to create spots saying the only way to commence the end of days is to re-crucify the Trump/Jesus (Trump may even go for it if we buy enough ad slots around Tucker Carlson's show on Fox).  This effectively keeps Trump from going near large crowds of Evangelicals. 

Then we need a UFO wing for the Smithsonian, a sub-department of Transportation dedicated to elevator rides into the Earth's core for the curious.  A total revamp  of the office of standards and measurements, where cartographers plot out new maps of the flat Earth, which tech firms must implement immediately.   Also while we're at it, add ten minutes to each day to help create jobs for watchmakers.

Here's the difference, though.   We're XAnon.   We confuse the confused.  Then we have Hollywood make movies of QAnon human trafficking, running drugs, helping undocumented people cross the border, taking peyote and sweating out fever dreams in the desert. 

At some point everyone agrees we've woken up from a bad hangover and return to politics 1990s style.

 @ridski, if you can flesh out the story, I'm pretty certain that I could illustrate this plot.

I am having trouble visualizing Trump on the cross. I think he would overwhelm the narrow structure. I'm thinking an image of him nailed to the side of a barn.

I could definitely get into the journey to the Earth's core and designing the peyote dreams in the dessert.

@dave I think you are on to something here.

One of my Peace Pipe paintings

I'm going to be rolling out the XAnon shirts, mugs, and bumper stickers soon.

Morganna said:

 @ridski, if you can flesh out the story, I'm pretty certain that I could illustrate this plot.

I am having trouble visualizing Trump on the cross. I think he would overwhelm the narrow structure. I'm thinking an image of him nailed to the side of a barn.

I could definitely get into the journey to the Earth's core and designing the peyote dreams in the dessert.

@dave I think you are on to something here.

One of my Peace Pipe paintings

 Spread out X-style inside a circle. Alternatively, suspended T-style inside the circle.

Morganna said:

 @ridski, if you can flesh out the story, I'm pretty certain that I could illustrate this plot.

I am having trouble visualizing Trump on the cross. I think he would overwhelm the narrow structure. I'm thinking an image of him nailed to the side of a barn.

I could definitely get into the journey to the Earth's core and designing the peyote dreams in the dessert.

@dave I think you are on to something here.

One of my Peace Pipe paintings

 Morganna, there’s not enough peyote in the world, I’m sorry.

Now I'm not sure I should have bought this product. What exactly is "spectacular" about it anyway?

ml1 said:

Now I'm not sure I should have bought this product. What exactly is "spectacular" about it anyway?

 It was produced by under-aged sex slaves in Hillary's basement.

basil said:

 It was produced by under-aged sex slaves in Hillary's basement.

 Now THAT's spectacular.

ml1 said:

basil said:

 It was produced by under-aged sex slaves in Hillary's basement.

 Now THAT's spectacular.

 Well, that and the price.

Originally meant to treat Malaria but for maximum effect combine with Gin.

STANV said:

Originally meant to treat Malaria but for maximum effect combine with Gin.

I am very malaria prone

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