Perry is out

Looks like the nation won't have Rick Perry to kick around any more.

He came out of the closet?

Everyone thought he seemed more intelligent with those glasses but then the prescription ran out.

I always thought that Perry is a good-looking guy. He missed his calling as a "model."

At least he gave us one last gem to quote: "Even a broken clock is right once a day." Thanks for everything, Rick.

I read this thread title as "Penny is out" and was very excited that the Treasury Department was finally retiring the penny!

TylerDurden said:
He came out of the closet?

Nothing prayer can't solve

GL2 said:
At least he gave us one last gem to quote: "Even a broken clock is right once a day." Thanks for everything, Rick.

Military time?

cupoftea said:
I read this thread title as "Penny is out"

Damn I thought she and Leonard really were gonna get married. Next out is Sheldon?

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