.... I am not sure there is much you could have said to him that would have been offensive in that situation.
As a kid I saw my neighbor absolutely light up some kid that was tearing around the neighborhood in his sports car, flying by multiple times every time me and the neighbor kid went back in the street to play hockey. I mean "I will cut out your bleep and shove them in your bleeping bleep" type violent threatening talk.
In that moment I believed he would do it, and I think the kid did too.
I was probably 8ish. I was not the least bit offended or scared. I knew him to be a man of even temper. Seeing him go gorilla crazy made an impression on me that lives to this day- you do NOT play games with your car, especially where people live.
Adults say serious things in serious situations. You need not feel concern about that.
Hats off to you for stepping up. More people should and not everyone can.
Good job CompassRose. I would've done the same thing.
I witnessed a similar thing years ago in Santa Fe and have never forgotten it. The situation we saw was happening while the guy was driving alongside of us. Scariest thing I have ever seen.
mumstheword said:
You were cooking breakfast in a parking lot?
Cooking breakfast in my kitchen with an ocean-like view of parking lot 5. Actually the things cooking in that parking are usually tempers and horns.
Thanks all, yes kmk - bothered me quite a bit too. Seeing how terrified that young lady was, no words.
CompassRose said:
mumstheword said:
You were cooking breakfast in a parking lot?
Cooking breakfast in my kitchen with an ocean-like view of parking lot 5. Actually the things cooking in that parking are usually tempers and horns.
Thanks all, yes kmk - bothered me quite a bit too. Seeing how terrified that young lady was, no words.
Ahh, I see now. All the more kudos to you for leaving your nice warm house to come to the aid of this young woman. It's so sad that even today, many women stand for this kind of behavior from others.
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I want to apologize to anyone who may have heard me giving a sailor mouth speech to a young man driving an older black Jeep Grand Cherokee (90's?) in parking lot #5 this morning.
I was cooking breakfast when I heard a young man being verbally abusive. I saw him enter his vehicle and slam the door - and thought that was the end of it. What I didn't realize is that there was a young female passenger on the receiving end of the abuse. He traveled past four or so parking spaces and then exited his vehicle walking to the passenger side - to continue verbally and physically abusing her. I yelled to him that we had called the police but it didn't phase him, so I yelled an obscenity to distract him. He did stop his actions however the young lady did not exit the vehicle - even when I yelled to her that my partner and I would drive her home. The young man said he was sorry and they and drove off. We did see a police officer head off in the same direction thereafter.
Anyway, I have never seen anything like this happen here before and was caught off guard. Just wanted to apologize for my offensive language and share details. I did not recognize the two as local.