NJ Gov

What do folks think of the NJ Gov race. I think Murphy would have been potentially vulnerable to a Christie type Repub, but Jack is lame -- just a coiffed stuffed shirt who follows the Trump playbook. I can't see him getting any real traction outside bedrock GOP voters, and in NJ, that ain't nearly enough.   

I think that Murphy has done a pretty good job - and if we got that knucklehead Sweeney out of the way, we'd all be better off.

Smedley said:

What do folks think of the NJ Gov race. I think Murphy would have been potentially vulnerable to a Christie type Repub, but Jack is lame -- just a coiffed stuffed shirt who follows the Trump playbook. I can't see him getting any real traction outside bedrock GOP voters, and in NJ, that ain't nearly enough.   

 I'm not sure what evidence there is for Murphy's vulnerability.  In a state where there's a huge advantage for Democrats in party membership, with only about a third of voters disapproving of him, what would be the rationale for voting for any Republican.  I'll admit that if Twitter was representative of the NJ electorate, Murphy would probably get trounced.  But Twitter ain't representative of anything other than Twitter.

From August:

Monmouth poll: Murphy’s approval rating remains high

Gov. Phil Murphy’s overall job rating remains high — with 54% approving of his efforts, compared with just 36% disapproving, according to the Monmouth University Poll released Monday.

Well it's just hypothetical, as the election is Phil v Jack, and Jack is rubbish. 

But if the GOP candidate was decent, Phil's main vulnerability would have been the suddenly unpopular Democratic president.    

Jack Ciattarelli's campaign:  The other guy is terrible, I can do better. (But I can't tell you how)

Smedley said:

But if the GOP candidate was decent


in a parallel universe where such a candidate would win a Republican primary.  I love hypotheticals that don't have to be tethered to the reality we live with.

tjohn said:

Jack Ciattarelli's campaign:  The other guy is terrible, I can do better. (But I can't tell you how)

 and the other guy is terrible because he actually told the truth about taxes.

Montgomery Scott probably said it best about hypotheticals.

Jack Ciattarelli is a walking exemplar of everything that's wrong with today's Trumpist and anti-knowledge GOP.

August 20 - "This Wednesday, ex-Assemblyman and Murphy challenger Jack Ciattarelli attended a Toms River Board of Education meeting and received a loud and positive ovation after urging the board to resist mandatory masks."


September 30 - "At least 864 students, or about 6% of the student population, and 26 staff members are in quarantine in Toms River after they were exposed to COVID-19, according to officials. Now experts are trying to figure out how the virus spread so quickly among students and staff."


ml1 said:

Smedley said:

But if the GOP candidate was decent


in a parallel universe where such a candidate would win a Republican primary.  I love hypotheticals that don't have to be tethered to the reality we live with.

 Can one be both "decent" and a "GOP candidate"? Even Christine Todd Whitman seems to doubt it. You can check her OP-ED in the NY Times today. (Sorry I can't link) 

"Jack for NJ" governor touting the endorsement of this mom, who says, "I want to be able to make the choice whether or not they wear a mask to school"

In other words, its a big "F*ck You" to the teachers, other adults, and families of the other children at the schools where this selfish GOP supporter sends her little kids

These are the ones telling us that their kids are traumatized because they have to wear a mask. I can tell her what is trauma for kids in school…. An active shooter without a mask. 

nohero said:

"Jack for NJ" governor touting the endorsement of this mom, who says, "I want to be able to make the choice whether or not they wear a mask to school"

In other words, its a big "F*ck You" to the teachers, other adults, and families of the other children at the schools where this selfish GOP supporter sends her little kids


Jaytee said:

These are the ones telling us that their kids are traumatized because they have to wear a mask. I can tell her what is trauma for kids in school…. An active shooter without a mask.  

Funny how here kids are so traumatized whereas in other countries kids wear masks like any other piece of apparel such as shoes and socks. No trauma there.

What is so traumatizing here? The water? Fluorides? 

No. Its their parents. Dragging them rallies and screaming about masking. Telling all, which kids overhear, that masks are poisoning them, causing psychological damage and are a devious plot to curb their freedoms in order to subjugate them.

I do see psychological damage. Its their parents.

Smedley said:

What do folks think of the NJ Gov race. I think Murphy would have been potentially vulnerable to a Christie type Repub   

 you mean this guy?

I caught a little bit of Bill Spadea last week and he was saying how he isn't sold on Jack. Something about him flip-flopping on something or other. 

It's tough enough to win in NJ as a Republican, but without the full-throated support of NJ101.5 you really have no chance. 

Smedley said:

I caught a little bit of Bill Spadea last week and he was saying how he isn't sold on Jack. Something about him flip-flopping on something or other. 

It's tough enough to win in NJ as a Republican, but without the full-throated support of NJ101.5 you really have no chance. 

 It may be in abortion. Jack “surprised many at last week’s second gubernatorial debate by declaring that he would support codifying a right to abortion in New Jersey law [if] the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.”


nohero said:

 It may be in abortion. Jack “surprised many at last week’s second gubernatorial debate by declaring that he would support codifying a right to abortion in New Jersey law [if] the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.”


 is "recommend but not endorse" sort of like being a little bit pregnant?

I am not liking the fact that I'm seeing twenty Jack Ciattarelli ads for every Murphy ad. (I say 20 because I think I've only seen one Murphy ad.)

Not liking this at all.

drummerboy said:

I am not liking the fact that I'm seeing twenty Jack Ciattarelli ads for every Murphy ad. (I say 20 because I think I've only seen one Murphy ad.)

Not liking this at all.

 Yup and everyone of them is the Murphy quote, 'if taxes are your issue, we're not your state," or something similar. 

I guess if I watched more network TV I might see more Murphy ads. I hope so anyway.

drummerboy said:

I am not liking the fact that I'm seeing twenty Jack Ciattarelli ads for every Murphy ad. (I say 20 because I think I've only seen one Murphy ad.)

Not liking this at all.

How's the ratio for ads during Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune?

Also, we've already received several targeted mailings for Murphy touting union endorsement, so the TV is not the only avenue for ads.

drummerboy said:

I am not liking the fact that I'm seeing twenty Jack Ciattarelli ads for every Murphy ad. (I say 20 because I think I've only seen one Murphy ad.)

Not liking this at all.

I'm seeing a lot of Ciatarelli ads. But I'm sure they are targeting media that skews toward older white guys. Especially sports talk and live games. 

Who else would be his base?

nohero said:

drummerboy said:

I am not liking the fact that I'm seeing twenty Jack Ciattarelli ads for every Murphy ad. (I say 20 because I think I've only seen one Murphy ad.)

Not liking this at all.

How's the ratio for ads during Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune?

Also, we've already received several targeted mailings for Murphy touting union endorsement, so the TV is not the only avenue for ads.

 Actually, the Jeopardy ads are pretty much the only ones I see.

Jack is about ten points behind Murphy. I can’t see him becoming governor, plus he sounds like he’s been getting too many of Trump’s emails. 

Polls are utter bullsiht these days. 

I agree about the polls-seems like murphy was certainly relying on them.  from my perception-he did little campaigning.  Also-I would like to see the full context of his "maybe we are not your state" discussion.  I think this ad did a lot of damage.  I did not see anything from the murphy folks to discredit this.  He deserves to lose ( but I hope he wins).

So aside from attacking Murphy for a statement about taxes, who is this guy and what is his platform. Frankly, I have no idea.

Additionally I have not heard or read much criticism of Murphy so I am surprised by how close this is. Perhaps Murphy and his people were overconfident and did not do enough to pull out voters.

Or maybe the Republicans rigged the election in the counties they control.

STANV said:

So aside from attacking Murphy for a statement about taxes, who is this guy and what is his platform. Frankly, I have no idea.

STANV said:

I really don't know what to say about a voter in a small community called upon to vote on a local issue which has been the subject of tabling, lawn signs and discussion, but who still does not know the difference between voting yes or no and doesn't bother to read the interpretive statement.

How ignorant can one be?

A juxtaposition that, contextual differences aside, I found interesting not as a reflection of any ignorance but as the opposite: a reminder about the hazards of judging it.

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