McGehee will not seek re-election in 2022

Frank McGehee sent out a message that he will not run for re-election in 2022.
Who will the Democratic Committee endorse to replace him?  

yahooyahoo said:

Frank McGehee sent out a message that he will not run for re-election in 2022.
Who will the Democratic Committee endorse to replace him?  

The first question is, "Who is interested in running?"

That's when we get to the second question is, "Is more than one person interested, and if so which one gets the 'line' in a primary?"

nohero said:

The first question is, "Who is interested in running?"

That's when we get to the second question is, "Is more than one person interested, and if so which one gets the 'line' in a primary?"

Haven't they agreed that everyone who runs as a Democrat gets the same line in the primary?

ridski said:

nohero said:

The first question is, "Who is interested in running?"

That's when we get to the second question is, "Is more than one person interested, and if so which one gets the 'line' in a primary?"

Haven't they agreed that everyone who runs as a Democrat gets the same line in the primary?

By "the line" I meant the line endorsed by the local committee, and on the same line as the incumbent member of Congress (as it's the primary for the 2022 election), etc.

On the Democratic primary ballot, there will be additional lines for any offices with contested primaries.

nohero said:

By "the line" I meant the line endorsed by the local committee, and on the same line as the incumbent member of Congress (as it's the primary for the 2022 election), etc.

On the Democratic primary ballot, there will be additional lines for any offices with contested primaries.

Correct me again if I'm wrong, but I thought based on this article that all Democrats running in the Primary will appear on the same line whether endorsed by the local committee or not.

'Until now, only candidates endorsed by the MDC appeared on Line A — or the “county line” — on Democratic primary ballots. Those candidates share a line with endorsed party candidates in other county, state and national elections. Other Democratic candidates wishing to run in the primary were placed on other lines where the record of success is much lower, leading many non-endorsed candidates to decide not to run. The county line only exists in New Jersey and is the subject of a federal lawsuit (Conforti v. Hanlon), challenging its constitutionality.


After the MDC vote, Grodman elaborated, “Last night, after almost a year of research into additional ways to encourage more people to run for elected office, the Committee voted to recommend to the Essex County Clerk that all qualified candidates interested in running for Township Committee in the Democratic Primary each June appear on the same line on the voting ballot. We are proud of our work to include more people in this process and will continue to be a leader in engaging more people to consider and run for elected office.”'

Ridski is correct.  Going forward, all Democratic candidates are supposed to appear on the same line.

Whomever the MDC endorses will still have a massive advantage in the primary despite this change.

yahooyahoo said:

Whomever the MDC endorses will still have a massive advantage in the primary despite this change.

It depends on who is interested in running and who gets the most committee support. 
(And all I meant by using the term “the line” was that committee support. I don’t know how it will be on the ballot per the request to the county clerk)

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