Mail-in ballot arrived today

It’s just our Representative and the Board of Education. But please pay attention! Because of redistricting,  Donald Payne is no longer going to be representing us from his safe seat of NJ-10. 

Depending on where you live you have an opportunity to vote in NJ-11 or NJ-7.

Democrat Mikie Sherrill is running against challenger Paul deGroot in NJ-11. She’s a solid bet to win but turnout is always key. 

In NJ-7 it’s a rematch between Malinowski and Republican Tom Kean Jr. Malinowski squeaked out a win in 2020 and redistricting has given him an uphill battle to retain his seat. I don’t know if the overturning of Roe v Wade will swing the election in favor of Malinowski. But Kean benefitted from a net increase of about 10,000 registered Republicans. 

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