Wrong equivalence. Would the head of your company be fired if the used private email?scott_clark said:
All i know is that if I operated at work solely through a private off site email account, they'd fire my azz in a hot minute.
TarheelsInNj said:
I just can't find it in me to get worked up about this.
Tom_Reingold said:
TarheelsInNj said:
I just can't find it in me to get worked up about this.
I think email ought to be secure in government foreign matters, especially the secretary of state. Don't you? Email is more or less secure, depending on the quality of the server. While there is no guarantee that the government does the best job, a homespun job is almost guaranteed to be far worse than the government's.
All you have to do is look at the Federal Obamacare site with its many design, rendering and security issues to see that you've made quite an assumption. But you did say "almost". :-DTom_Reingold said:
While there is no guarantee that the government does the best job, a homespun job is almost guaranteed to be far worse than the government's.
BG9 said:
If Mr Benghazi says so, then it must be true. Lets impeach Hillary retroactively.)
yahooyahoo said:
Colin Powell used a personal email account as well and did not save any emails.
BCC said:
Powell was not rquired to have a .gov e-mail. Hillary was.
yahooyahoo said:
BCC said:
Powell was not rquired to have a .gov e-mail. Hillary was.
I didn't say he was. Just providing some information and perspective.
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Has it been relegated to the bowels of GL2's GOP2015 thread or the 150th page of the Rose Garden thread?
It's crazy stuff. The latest is that the 55,000 pages of emails Hillary has been touting as being given to the State Dept were turned over IN HARD COPY ONLY, not electronic email format - how convenient for someone who would prefer the data be more difficult to search...
I haven't been that anti-Hillary in the past... but seriously, how messed up is this? Will it hurt her eventual candidacy, or will the layers of slime she and Bill have developed just allow it to slide right off her?
In a recent thread, I said that if the GOP nominates a real wingnut, I could be tempted to vote for Hillary in '16. That has gotten a lot more difficult for me. I don't think this woman can be trusted. Stinks to be me, depending on the GOP to nominate a sane and electable candidate. :-(