Lots of the "half-breeds" that ajc despises live in Maplewood and read MOL.
Art, did you really just call someone a half breed? Would you call a Maplewoodian that?
I really didn't think that ajc could be any more offensive. I was SO wrong. Yeowza! Art, that's more than offensive. It's despicable.
to paraphrase Edith Bunker -- it's nicer than when he called them "mulattos."
I thought "Bo" was a pure breed.
Artie, still throwing those molotov cocktails.
Red_Barchetta said:
I don't know why any of you are surprised.
I'm just surprised the guy isn't banned.
mbaldwin said:
Red_Barchetta said:
I don't know why any of you are surprised.
I'm just surprised the guy isn't banned.
Do you mean from MOL, or from courteous interaction around town?
ligeti said:
Why just last week, I took out my pocket edition of the U.S. Constitution and right there, where people signed it, the space is blank. That proves the U.S. is divinely inspired. You see, God didn't have to write nothin' on that paper.
His work stands all by itself.
That proves God
ml1 said:
Pancake Man
See, that's what happens once we allow marriage equality.
Man-on-dog (pace Rick Santorum), Man-on-pancake, where does it stop?
GL2 said:
I've always been in favor of man-on-muffin.
The muffin man lives on Drury Lane.
Red_Barchetta said:
mbaldwin said:Do you mean from MOL, or from courteous interaction around town?
Red_Barchetta said:I'm just surprised the guy isn't banned.
I don't know why any of you are surprised.
Can't we have both?
"Half-breed is a term, now considered derogatory, used to describe anyone who is of mixed race,.."
Will I buy into all the new liberal, politically correct meanings the left puts on words that don't support their progressive agenda? Hell no; I said what I mean, and I mean what I said. Let’s see, it is true that Obama is of mixed race; and it's also true I meant to dip my pen in the gall, and be derogatory.
Meanwhile, in typical left wing liberal style, the local vocal hypocrites, run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. FWIW, what’s so wrong about a little hypocrisy between the left and the right? You guys disparage Carson, and I depreciate Obama. I’m no Cher, but I can write songs about half breeds as good as she can…
"Half Breed"
His father married a white woman,
and his mother's people were so ashamed.
The black men said he was white by law,
and they always called him, "Hey Boy".
Half-breed, that's all he ever heard.
Half-breed, that's how he learned to hate the world.
Half-breed, he's no good they warned.
Both sides were against him since the day he was born.
His parents sent him from town to town.
When you're not welcome you don't hang around’.
His grandparents raised him, then things turned around.
[Repeat Chorus]
The brothers just laughed, "Give him a joint, he'll fit right in."
Now finally he was accepted and no longer felt ashamed.
He became a community organizer, so who's to blame
His life since changed, it’s no longer him, it’s America to blame.
He can run, and he can hide, but not from all his years of shame.
[Repeat Chorus]
ajc said:
"Half-breed is a term, now considered derogatory, used to describe anyone who is of mixed race,.."
Yes, it is. That's because it was always meant to be derogatory. Which is why you used it.
"New liberal, politically correct meanings?" It was derogatory back when Cher sang that song 40 years ago. That was the point.
I think from now on we should just call you Archie Bunker.
OK already, lighten up. ajc is simply a product of his times. Sometimes walking upright is a bitch. Be fair, you can't seriously participate in his threads only because you think he's saying something stupid in his OP and then jump on him when he says something stupid-er later on down the line. What do you expect?
Maybe Art grew up in a world where there were "half breeds", wops, gooks, micks, broads and fags. I'm sure he knows better now and realizes that people who were half of one thing and half something else actually made the country he's acts like he's so concerned about.
OK Art, there's your alley oop baby. Come on back and slam it home with something brilliant
Dave, is this earlier post and all the other pile on posts on Carson not disgusting?
"Like all the other modern Black Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson is half idiot and wildly entertaining. Last go round gave us cowboy hat wearing singer and pizza pimp Herman Cain who took pride in not knowing world leaders and naming things after numbers that he liked. Before him was personal favorite Alan "Crazy Eyes" Keyes who was pretty much just looney and scary- and then looney again. Now we have a neurosurgeon who is confused about laws passed by the legislature versus something he invented called "judicial law"."
I believe the person who wrote that is also Black.
But yes, it would have been better if it didn't include the word "Black" in the first sentence. And it wouldn't have been any less true.
"Maybe Art grew up in a world where there were "half breeds", wops, gooks, micks, broads and fags. I'm sure he knows better now and realizes that people who were half of one thing and half something else actually made the country he's acts like he's so concerned about."
Yes, I did grow up in a different world. It was a world where we learned sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you. We didn't have to weigh all our words, and we knew how to take care of business when we needed too.
Flimbro, I learned early in life to pick my battles carefully, and how and when to defend my turf. How in the world do you think I put up with so many of you. i find that as a rule the left knows how to give it out, but can't take it. Jesus said it best, anyone among you without sin, throw the first stone.
ajc said:
Dave, is this earlier post and all the other pile on posts on Carson not disgusting?
"Like all the other modern Black Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson is half idiot and wildly entertaining. Last go round gave us cowboy hat wearing singer and pizza pimp Herman Cain who took pride in not knowing world leaders and naming things after numbers that he liked. Before him was personal favorite Alan "Crazy Eyes" Keyes who was pretty much just looney and scary- and then looney again. Now we have a neurosurgeon who is confused about laws passed by the legislature versus something he invented called "judicial law"."
I'm not Dave and to each his own, but I like that post and I stand behind the ideas expressed. If you have something substantive to say about it in response I would be happy to debate/discuss it with you.
I have pretty well defined ideas about Dr. Carson and other Black conservatives who curry favor with conservative groups by perpetuating white supremacist ideas about Black people. While that post was obviously meant to be absurd (there really isn't a home for Old Black Conservative Presidential Candidates in Lubbock - yet) I think it accurately describes how Carson and his ilk is seen by the majority of the progressive Black and politically aware community. This same community finds it remarkable that people, mostly white and mostly Republican, still bemoan the fact that Black voters stay away from their party. Carson et. al have nothing to offer and oddly as an inducement they always seem to insult the very constituency they've been tapped to appeal to. Carson is particularly sad because he was catapulted to stardom by the same Black people (and by his considerable talents) he now derides.
I know this is way too far into a topic that you probably really care nothing about, so I'll stop here.
Words hurt people every day...and did back then too. I was there. History is a pile of debris. Get past it.
"I believe the person who wrote that is also Black."
Like that's suppose to make a difference? This is so reminiscent of who, how, and why some people get to use the "N" word. Just say'n the hypocrisy of some people is just amazing...
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Please re-read your post. In case you need some help I highlighted the part where you are being racist and condescending. May I remind you that in this lovely country of ours the one drop rule is still in use by many to define those who are of mixed race even sometimes a few generations back?