The Right believes in fusing Religion and Politics except when they don't.
And they are against spending unless it is for what the pet projects they want, of course!
Art, are you ashamed you started this thread? How much more of this can you take?
I have come to the conclusion that Art is really a left wing liberal who deliberately plants these threads to get the MOL-ers all involved in denouncing the right wingers, making us get our stories straight, and be on the alert so that the right wing fanatics do not trample on our civil liberties, on gays and minorities, on science/evolution teaching. This is like practice before the big game.
Art, I thank you for making us confront the fanatic drift in the Republican party. We owe you!
All you liberal sore losers are checkmated when a president takes orders directly from God...Ben's "humility" is astounding.
At least David Berkowitz took his orders from his neighbor's dog, a being we all could see.
Like all the other modern Black Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson is half idiot and wildly entertaining. Last go round gave us cowboy hat wearing singer and pizza pimp Herman Cain who took pride in not knowing world leaders and naming things after numbers that he liked. Before him was personal favorite Alan "Crazy Eyes" Keyes who was pretty much just looney and scary- and then looney again. Now we have a neurosurgeon who is confused about laws passed by the legislature versus something he invented called "judicial law".
He also thinks that prison rape leads to homosexuality. Craziest of all, he thinks the same racist political party that can barely get through a day without maligning the current Black President- would support and elect another one. Is this guy nutty or what?Your list of GOP Af Am "luminaries" is yet another example of how clueless the party remains on race. Only eccentric (a euphemism of course) Af Ams see any advantage in cleaving to a Party that has so little to offer them.
Or, perhaps those are the only ones which gain traction. I'm sure there are sane black republicans out there. We just haven't been presented with one.
ridski said:
Or, perhaps those are the only ones which gain traction. I'm sure there are sane black republicans out there. We just haven't been presented with one.
They either lack the support or they are too smart to run because they know they don't have a chance. Colin Powell comes to mind.
it's hard to find a white Republican who's sane. looking for a sane black Republican is like hunting snipes.
Can't imagine GOP Af Ams getting any traction in the GOP unless they're attacking the poor as losers, moochers, etc. Prominent Af Am GOPers like Carson, Cain, Keyes, are literally tools of the leadership.
I guess you folks don't watch "Blackish". There was an episode about Black Republicans.
roughly 12% of the U.S. population is African American. Roughly 90% of them are Democrats. So maybe 1% of the population are black Republicans. Not sure what percentage of them spout kooky ideas, but if it's the same proportion as white Republicans, I think we're looking at sane black Republicans being rare as albino squirrels.
I mean, sure they exist. But they're unusual enough that when you see one, you feel compelled to pull out your phone and take a photo.
"Art, are you ashamed you started this thread? How much more of this can you take?"
Hell no! The listening for me by the left is so fixed they don't bother to read what I write, or explore what I mean. The title of this thread is, "He sounds so good for America, "even when he's wrong"..."even when he's wrong"..."even when he's wrong"..."even when he's wrong"...
FWIW, even though I don't agree with everything he says, I still like him because he's not a politician; and right or wrong, he says what he believes, and even with all his faults he would make a better president than that lying piece of crap Hilary Clinton...I am so down on her, I'd rather see a third term for Obama; now that's saying something for me...
When I read some of these racist and condescending comments against African American Republicans, it's a wonder why any African American would vote for a Democrat.
Personally, I'd love to see a real African American elected rather than the half breed screw up we have in the White House now. Maybe then African Americans will catch a break and get the chances and respect they need and deserve. Just say'n, shame on you racist jerks...
I'm just going to let the comment on the merits of people of mixed race versus those of "pure" racial descent sit there for a while.
ajc said:
When I read some of these racist and condescending comments against African American Republicans, it's a wonder why any African American would vote for a Democrat.
Personally, I'd love to see a real African American elected rather than the half breed screw up we have in the White House now. Maybe then African Americans will catch a break and get the chances and respect they need and deserve. Just say'n, shame on you racist jerks...
Half breed? Damn.
ajc said:
When I read some of these racist and condescending comments against African American Republicans, it's a wonder why any African American would vote for a Democrat.
Personally, I'd love to see a real African American elected rather than the half breed screw up we have in the White House now. Maybe then African Americans will catch a break and get the chances and respect they need and deserve. Just say'n, shame on you racist jerks...
half-breed huh?
Better get that filter of yours worked on. It's done sprung a leak and is letting the real you out (as opposed to the Moderately-Insane-Art-But-Gee-What-Pancakes! view of you that is normally on view.)
I've always found that most of his dumbest posts occur late at night. I expect ajc not to answer anything said today until later tonight again, where he'll double-down on it. Then in 2 days he'll deny he said anything of the sort, claim he loves everyone equally and make jokes until he's hoped we've forgotten about it.
ajc said:
When I read some of these racist and condescending comments against African American Republicans, it's a wonder why any African American would vote for a Democrat.
Personally, I'd love to see a real African American elected rather than the half breed screw up we have in the White House now. Maybe then African Americans will catch a break and get the chances and respect they need and deserve. Just say'n, shame on you racist jerks...
Well, there's your irony for the day.
Love the "He's not a politician" and "Washington sucks" boasts of so many candidates and their supporters.
Do I want a pizza guy or a surgeon to do a job he's never done and has so much to learn about?
"Hey Ben, I'm no surgeon but I'd love to pick your brain."
"Hey GOP candidates, I hate Washington but I'd love to go to DC and fix it singlehandedly."
ajc has said some deplorable things on MOL but "half-breed" takes the cake (apologies to Cher).
Wow speaking of "racist and condescending comments." ajc, really, half-breed? SMH!
ajc said:
Personally, I'd love to see a real African American elected rather than the half breed screw up we have in the White House now. Maybe then African Americans will catch a break and get the chances and respect they need and deserve. Just say'n, shame on you racist jerks...
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he's a black guy who says a lot of outrageously negative stuff about Obama. he was destined to be a GOP star.