He sounds so good for America, even when he's wrong...

ajc said:
"We look forward to your response."
Really? FWIW, the conversation has become a little too left wing for me, plus I'm still counting all those well off folks who reap the lion's share of Federal distributions and the re-distributions. The only problem is separating the already rich from the not so rich, and those really not rich at all.
Then of course there's the problem of vetting all these facts and statistics from the very smart, the not so smart, and those who aren't smart at all. On top of all this I have to weigh the affect of any response I give against the feelings of the gays, lesbians, bi-trans, black and mixed race folks.
It's not easy dealing with all of you and your questions. Plus, it's a lot of pressure to be politically correct all the time. It really cramps my First Amendment Rights; and truthfully I'm really not looking forward to the responses.

"Wow! Art, you've hit rock bottom and you're digging deeper."

Thanks Jeff... Rock bottom, and digging deeper? Really, so much for me trying to be a nice guy. I guess it's a good thing I don't say what I'm really thinking.

ajc said:
"Wow! Art, you've hit rock bottom and you're digging deeper."

Thanks Jeff... Rock bottom, and digging deeper? Really, so much for me trying to be a nice guy. I guess it's a good thing I don't say what I'm really thinking.


I appreciated the good humor in your post.

Art, not that you were at all worried, but I stopped checking this thread assuming you'd once again take a pass on the right's pernicious lies being dis-proven with straightforward analysis from documented, reliable sources. Of all my numerous sources, the entitlement myth is is most clearly and thoroughly debunked by the CBPP. If you look at just one of my links for verification of my arguments, that's the one. Yes, they are a left leaning group. But I've found of all such organizations, they never post an article that doesn't clearly explain their data sources and methodology. I don't expect you to accept their findings, but they use Federal reports to prove that no income redistribution takes place to the lower class. The numbers speak for themselves, unless there's been a concerted conspiracy to conceal actual spending on the poor.


While some may be amused by your feigned sensitivity, Republican repetition of myths about welfare queens and gays that "choose" their perverted lifestyle to prey on and indoctrinate minors is a license for the vile racism and homophobia that finds a welcoming home in your party. I don't for a minute want to trod on anyone's First Amendment rights to say whatever they feel or believe. But just keep in mind that big lies often have the effect of undeservedly vilifying an entire minority, gives cover to those who feel the need to act on their hatreds, and makes discussing how to actually solve our nation's problems impossible.

Holier than thou sermon done.

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