A sweet New Year - may your Fast be easy!

Wishing you all a sweet and fruitful, healthy New Year! May your apples be juicy, your honey sweet and not too runny, and your guests and neighbours helpful and loving. 

Shana tova!

I’m going to cross-post this in Morganna’s vegan thread, it’s yummy.

A vegan borscht suitable for diabetics. This page includes some history and some ideas on other veggie substitutions - remember, you can also enjoy the cabbage & spinach versions cold - methodology is way down under a stack of of pics. 

joanne said:

Wishing you all a sweet and fruitful, healthy New Year! May your apples be juicy, your honey sweet and not too runny, and your guests and neighbours helpful and loving. 

Shana tova!

Beautiful!  (Both the wish and the image.)

Shana Tova! Didn't want to replace your image so I'll post it on Morgan Le Fay Cat Rescue thread. Just made it this morning. Used one of the new kittens.

Shana Tovah!  That is a lovely greeting and flower! 

Had a very nice few days with family and friends. Wishing all the best to you and yours in the New Year.

Thinking of you all as we sing Kol Nidre…

If you Fast, may the hours pass quickly and the tummy rumbles be tuneful and quiet cheese And even if, like us, you can’t, may your prayers be heard and the Years ahead, sweet and healthy. 

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