Florida man - on last step to become Surgeon General


Last month the Republican-controlled Senate Ethics and Elections Committee voted 5-4 along party lines to back his confirmation.

Ladapo shows everything wrong on the right when it comes to the pandemic and misinformation in a single story.

It also proves again - there's no consequence to lying on the right.  His biggest lie was:

On March 24, 2020, for example, he wrote an opinion piece for USA Today making an argument against lockdowns based on his own experience “taking care of patients with COVID-19 at UCLA’s flagship hospital” the previous week. Sixteen days later, on April 9, 2020, he wrote an almost identical piece for The Wall Street Journal where he also talked about his experience “caring for patients with suspected or diagnosed Covid-19 infections at UCLA.”

UCLA dispute these claims.

Republican's POV on him:

“I am very proud that you are the doctor of the state, and frankly I think most Floridians, if they’d heard this testimony and heard your expanded answers, they would agree with me,” Sen. Doug Broxson, R-Pensacola, told Ladapo just before the vote.

When asked about the organization he appeared with at the supreme court (America's Frontline Doctor's):

“If the question is, ‘What does the organization do?’ I do know some of the things the organization does,” Ladapo said. “Do I feel qualified to describe what the organization stands for? Their positions on a variety of issues? Absolutely not.”

Sen. Randolph Bracy, D-Orlando, asked Ladapo whether vaccines played an important role in ending past pandemics.  Ladapo responded “strictly speaking, to the best of my knowledge, no,” noting that outbreaks such as the 1918 flu pandemic faded without an effective vaccine.

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