First bumper repair guys of the season

Encountered my first "hey do you want us to fix that dent on your bumper?" crew of the year. Beige 4 door Benz ironically with a large dent on the bumper. This happened in Edison in the target parking lot across from the menlo park mall. Told them to beat it an called the cops (non emergency) Last 3 of the plate is EUP.

Get ready for the "We were repaving a driveway in the neighborhood and have some material left over" routine.

And the "I'm selling subscriptions to pay for college" deal.

GL2 said:

Get ready for the "We were repaving a driveway in the neighborhood and have some material left over" routine.

 Now that I actually need my driveway done I bet they don't come by. 

My spouse got taken for $300 for two guys to "paint" the driveway with some black goo.

I had a paint-scratch offer in the Walgreens (Newark) on Irvington Avenue last week.

I had one of those paver guys do my driveway apron. I was very pleased with the job.

The speaker van guys too. "We just finished a big install job and have all of these extra speaker..."

Years ago a paving truck pulled up to the house and asked my father about paving the driveway with "extra material for a job", he declined. Next door neighbor said "ok" paid a few hundred bucks and had 20-25ft of driveway paved over. Nearly 25 years later and its still in excellent shape. This is the only case in the history of mankind where there was actual left over material from a job and the crew doing the job had good intentions!

That crazy Hillary Clinton and her bumper repair guys, amiright?

Bernie Sanders promises free bumper repairs for the bottom 90%.

Freeway said:

Years ago a paving truck pulled up to the house and asked my father about paving the driveway with "extra material for a job", he declined. Next door neighbor said "ok" paid a few hundred bucks and had 20-25ft of driveway paved over. Nearly 25 years later and its still in excellent shape. This is the only case in the history of mankind where there was actual left over material from a job and the crew doing the job had good intentions!

 Maybe they were new at it!" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">

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