Drones in the sky - Conspiracy theories welcome.

What, no theories? I've been waiting for a thread to begin and nothing!  My pals have been sighting them for a couple of weeks and posting on FB, calling the police and getting told to call the FBI. And these are not even my crazy friends. So, has anyone seem them? About 100 mayors in NJ have been demanding answers from our Gov. Today I heard Biden is supposed to weigh in.

I was surprised to learn they were the size of a car.

So, please feel free to get as far out as you wish with your theories.

Kind of shocking to realize that in the near future, there will be drone air defense systems at our airports and other sensitive locations.

I blocked them on my phone…they still won’t give up!

Thread on the Twitter by our new Senator, Andy Kim, talking some sense. Click for the rest -

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