That is funny - here's the tweet: The former Texas governor "failed on the border. He should be forced to
take an IQ test before being allowed to enter the GOP debate," Trump tweeted Thursday afternoon.
Rick Perry has issued just about the strongest denunciation of Trump of any of the other Republican candidates.
Rick Perry managed to serve s Governor of Texas for a long time and get re-elected a number of times. He may not be my type of politician but I'm not from Texas. He got into trouble last time he ran for President but the real story is that he had had recent serious surgery, was in a lot of pain and was taking pain killers.
Rick Perry's response to the repeated call to build a big fence at the border was to say that building a ten foot fence just creates a market for 11 foot fences.
There is a partially built big fence at the border and it's one of the all-time stupidest things that has been done by our government. I understand that they are no longer adding to it, however.
"...For that matter, if Republican leaders want to argue that attacks on Americans’ military service are simply beyond the pale, perhaps party officials can take this opportunity to apologize to John Kerry, who was smeared by Swiftboat lies in the 2004 cycle – lies that were celebrated at the time by 2016 candidates like Jeb Bush and Rick Perry – and who saw the spectacle at the Republican National Convention of party activists mocking Purple Hearts. While they’re it, Republicans can express some regret for related smears directed at former Sen. Max Cleland (D-Ga.)..."
Here's an article stating what Trump, the rock, the patriot, the lion of the new Republican party, was up to while John McCain was a prisoner of war.
BG9 said:
Here's an article stating what Trump, the rock, the patriot, the lion of the new Republican party, was up to while John McCain was a prisoner of war.
For a second there I was imagining The Donald, Dwayne Johnson, Mel Gibson and Calvin Broadus, jr. all hanging out in the 60s.
didn't Cheney and Company try to discredit McCain's service when he was running against GW?
hankzona said:
didn't Cheney and Company try to discredit McCain's service when he was running against GW?
They accused him of turning traitor under torture. Which to me would have been perfectly reasonable.
sac said:
So ... would Trump pass that IQ test?
Actually, Trump went to Wharton and is quite intelligent. (Would never vote for him, but he is intelligent). And while siblings aren't always the measure, his sister is Marianne Trump Barry, a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
Where Trump's IQ is greatest of all the candidates, is in the discrepancy between how high he thinks it is, and how high it actually is.
ridski said:
BG9 said:For a second there I was imagining The Donald, Dwayne Johnson, Mel Gibson and Calvin Broadus, jr. all hanging out in the 60s.
Here's an article stating what Trump, the rock, the patriot, the lion of the new Republican party, was up to while John McCain was a prisoner of war.
I thought EXACTLY the same thing just before I saw your post lol.
RobB said:
hankzona said:They accused him of turning traitor under torture. Which to me would have been perfectly reasonable.
didn't Cheney and Company try to discredit McCain's service when he was running against GW?
John Mcain kept the faith..........if he told them anything it was probably his favorite FM Radio Station
dianaid said:
sac said:Actually, Trump went to Wharton and is quite intelligent. (Would never vote for him, but he is intelligent). And while siblings aren't always the measure, his sister is Marianne Trump Barry, a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
So ... would Trump pass that IQ test?
Attending Wharton 50 years ago when your Daddy was a millionaire is in no way evidence of current intelligence.
Klinker said:
dianaid said:Attending Wharton 50 years ago when your Daddy was a millionaire is in no way evidence of current intelligence.
sac said:Actually, Trump went to Wharton and is quite intelligent. (Would never vote for him, but he is intelligent). And while siblings aren't always the measure, his sister is Marianne Trump Barry, a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
So ... would Trump pass that IQ test?
Agree. Besides, he transferred in from Fordham.
In those days, Ivy League schools had about a 30-40% acceptance rate. Probably higher as a transfer.
Trump is not an idiot. He just doesn't give a damn what you or I think of him.
Is he brilliant? Probably not. But I am confident he has at least slightly-above-average intelligence.
dianaid said:
sac said:And while siblings aren't always the measure, his sister is Marianne Trump Barry, a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
So ... would Trump pass that IQ test?
Which proves nothing. Scalia and Thomas are senior judges in the SC.
Klinker said:
dianaid said:Attending Wharton 50 years ago when your Daddy was a millionaire is in no way evidence of current intelligence.
sac said:Actually, Trump went to Wharton and is quite intelligent. (Would never vote for him, but he is intelligent). And while siblings aren't always the measure, his sister is Marianne Trump Barry, a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
So ... would Trump pass that IQ test?
Seriously. Didn't W go to an Ivy?
W went to Yale (as did his father) as part of an affirmative action legacy program for sons of the rich and famous .
This whole legacy thing used to pain me when I worked with HS kids. All A's, tons of extracurricular activities, the classic "I worked in Guatemala for a week with my church members," and still the huge disappointment of rejection from their Ivy dream schools. Meanwhile, "My dad and uncle went to Harvard" beats them every time.
I can't stand Trump's arrogance and obvious pandering to idiot right-wing voters, but he's by no means an idiot himself. He's quite brilliant, actually. He's the trainwreck you can't look away from and he gets richer with every glance.
So Trump just doxed( a new term I just learned) Lindsey Graham. Gave at his personal cell number while saying he wasn't as bright as Rick Perry. My oh my
You heard it here first...Trump/Cruz as an independent ticket. They're both wacko enough to make it happen.
As per Nate Silver, former polling analyst for the nyt, The Donald is currently the world's greatest troll.
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