Congress finds 110 338 billion under the sofa cushions

58 billion for defense spending that nobody asked for

52 billion for the very profitable and financially healthy chip industry

And no one asks "how ya gonna pay for that? huh? huh?"

(OK, I'm a little confused, but I think I figured it out. The entire bill is 280B but about 80B is for the chip industry and the other 200B is for science in general. )

So please, you "moderates", just hold your tongue about the cost of government programs that might actually benefit people.

drummerboy said:

58 billion for defense spending that nobody asked for

52 billion for the very profitable and financially healthy chip industry

And no one asks "how ya gonna pay for that? huh? huh?"

So please, you "moderates", just hold your tongue about the cost of government programs that might actually benefit people.

there is always plenty of money to blow **** up and kill people. 

To heal the sick, not so much. 

Presumably as one of the moderates you are referring to, I have no problem with government support of strategic technologies, nor with finding money to heal the sick.

jimmurphy said:

Presumably as one of the moderates you are referring to, I have no problem with government support of strategic technologies, nor with finding money to heal the sick.

well, I was referring to those moderates (and anybody really), not only on MOL but out in the world, who ever put forth the "how you gonna pay for that?" argument.

jimmurphy said:

Presumably as one of the moderates you are referring to, I have no problem with government support of strategic technologies, nor with finding money to heal the sick.

I don't have a problem with subsidies for technology either. But more money for the military? That's just incredibly and deeply morally wrong.

ml1 said:

I don't have a problem with subsidies for technology either. But more money for the military? That's just incredibly and deeply morally wrong.


I'm not against us investing in technology either, and frankly I think we should be doing more of it. Though $60B $280B seems like an awful lot. (280? wtf?)

But that's not the point of this thread. The point is the rank hypocrisy and dishonesty of politicians whining about the cost of programs when it suits them.

drummerboy said:

I'm not against us investing in technology either, and frankly I think we should be doing more of it. Though $60B $280B seems like an awful lot. (280? wtf?)

But that's not the point of this thread. The point is the rank hypocrisy and dishonesty of politicians whining about the cost of programs when it suits them.

OK, as I stated in an updated OP, it looks like the entire bill is for 280B, with about 50B earmarked for chip production and the rest slated for technology in general.

The point of the thread still stands, but an investment like this has been a long, long time coming, and though the great unwashed might not appreciate it at all, this is a BFD, as Biden likes to say.

I think it will be well-received. Not really a great example.

To the hypocrisy point, this can be spun as an investment pretty easily, whereas social spending to alleviate poverty does not appeal to the selfish.

well-received by who? There have been no details about it in the media. It came out of nowhere - no build up. Up until today I thought it was only for the chip industry.

It will be forgotten in a week unless the Dems talk it up and maybe explain to us what the benefits are, which they should have been doing before it was passed.

drummerboy said:

well-received by who? There have been no details about it in the media. It came out of nowhere - no build up. Up until today I thought it was only for the chip industry.

It will be forgotten in a week unless the Dems talk it up and maybe explain to us what the benefits are, which they should have been doing before it was passed.

You’ve already stated that it’s been a “long, long time coming,” and seemed to agree that it’s a BFD, so I’m not going to argue for the sake of arguing.

The implication in the initial post was that it’s corporate welfare. If that was the point, I disagree.

If it wasn’t and more just pointing out hypocrisy and essentially just a vent, then OK. Happens everyday.

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