Really? She's a 24 year old woman. Who cares if she's pregnant? Plenty of women have babies on their own by design. I don't know what she's so apologetic about.
And, to me, the abstinence part applied as a teen. Maybe it was sincere and maybe a few teens didn't get pregnant because of her campaign. What she decided to do when she was out of high school was her business.
conandrob240 said:
Really? She's a 24 year old woman. Who cares if she's pregnant? Plenty of women have babies on their own by design. I don't know what she's so apologetic about.
And, to me, the abstinence part applied as a teen. Maybe it was sincere and maybe a few teens didn't get pregnant because of her campaign. What she decided to do when she was out of high school was her business.
Ageee. Wish her the best. I have not heard any child abuse issues, so go for it. Really do not care.
The family's source of income had been a payoff from FoxNews to her mother Sarah as a Republican operative. Fox has now cut them off since they have no more credibility in the Republican Party. We have laws limiting corporate contributions to campaigns but in a bipartisan corruption these are not enforced. Fox "hires" Republican Presidential hopefuls so they can have enough money to quit their day jobs and run.
"Fox News viewers just got some bad news: Sarah Palin has been dumped by the liberal elitists at the network, her contract as a contributor not renewed. One day, your grandchildren will see an old video of her and say, "Who was this spectacular nincompoop?", and you will tell them, "Actually, believe it or not, there was a time when some people thought she should be the most powerful person on Earth."
Don't be too sad for her, because Palin will be fine even if she no longer finds favor in Roger Ailes' eyes. She still has a show on the Sportsman Channel ("Amazing America with Sarah Palin"), which I'm sure is TiVo'd religiously by dozens if not hundreds of loyal viewers. There are presumably paid subscribers to the Sarah Palin Channel, and she's got her PAC. But if you're a conservative and you aren't on Fox, do you really exist?"
She is such an non-entity, I don't get the waste of ink and ether. I guess maybe the real issue was that some men paid enough attention to her ,twice, so that she could conceive. I am totally mystified. God help those unfortunate children.
People care because she is promoting, and has been paid a LOT of money to promote, a birth control method that is unrealistic. Teaching and promoting abstinence only has been shown to lead to more unintended pregnancies. If it were simply a case of the daughter of a public figure getting pregnant I would agree that she should be left alone but she has willingly made herself a public figure and her family are trying to push their views on others.
As far as abstinence only teaching goes, look at states that push abstinence and states that have more comprehensive birth control lesson plans in schools. Then look at the teen birth rates in those states. Also look at the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in those states. Teaching abstinence only doesn't work.
Bristol Palin is a public figure by choice who is also a well paid as a spokesperson for abstinence only. As such she is fair game in regards to this news, especially considering that the "method" she is trying to push on others has now failed her, TWICE.
spontaneous said:
People care because she is promoting, and has been paid a LOT of money to promote, a birth control method that is unrealistic. Teaching and promoting abstinence only has been shown to lead to more unintended pregnancies. If it were simply a case of the daughter of a public figure getting pregnant I would agree that she should be left alone but she has willingly made herself a public figure and her family are trying to push their views on others.
As far as abstinence only teaching goes, look at states that push abstinence and states that have more comprehensive birth control lesson plans in schools. Then look at the teen birth rates in those states. Also look at the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in those states. Teaching abstinence only doesn't work.
Bristol Palin is a public figure by choice who is also a well paid as a spokesperson for abstinence only. As such she is fair game in regards to this news, especially considering that the "method" she is trying to push on others has now failed her, TWICE.
Since we're bound to hear "sanctity of marriage" from Palin, Inc., this should shut that down. But it won't, given the blinders of people who listen to Ms. Palin.
unixiscool said:
spontaneous said:+1
People care because she is promoting, and has been paid a LOT of money to promote, a birth control method that is unrealistic. Teaching and promoting abstinence only has been shown to lead to more unintended pregnancies. If it were simply a case of the daughter of a public figure getting pregnant I would agree that she should be left alone but she has willingly made herself a public figure and her family are trying to push their views on others.
As far as abstinence only teaching goes, look at states that push abstinence and states that have more comprehensive birth control lesson plans in schools. Then look at the teen birth rates in those states. Also look at the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in those states. Teaching abstinence only doesn't work.
Bristol Palin is a public figure by choice who is also a well paid as a spokesperson for abstinence only. As such she is fair game in regards to this news, especially considering that the "method" she is trying to push on others has now failed her, TWICE.
Plus it failed others who were suckered in by Palin like ilk. I read that the highest rates of unwanted and unwed births are in the southern christian part of our country. Teenagers who do not use real birth control.
Abstinence as a birth control tool is a scam, just like Gay conversion is. Palin got well paid pushing that particular scam.
If they discuss it at all they will emphasize that she will not be getting an abortion.
BG9 said:
unixiscool said:+2
spontaneous said:+1
People care because she is promoting, and has been paid a LOT of money to promote, a birth control method that is unrealistic. Teaching and promoting abstinence only has been shown to lead to more unintended pregnancies. If it were simply a case of the daughter of a public figure getting pregnant I would agree that she should be left alone but she has willingly made herself a public figure and her family are trying to push their views on others.
As far as abstinence only teaching goes, look at states that push abstinence and states that have more comprehensive birth control lesson plans in schools. Then look at the teen birth rates in those states. Also look at the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in those states. Teaching abstinence only doesn't work.
Bristol Palin is a public figure by choice who is also a well paid as a spokesperson for abstinence only. As such she is fair game in regards to this news, especially considering that the "method" she is trying to push on others has now failed her, TWICE.
Plus it failed others who were suckered in by Palin like ilk. I read that the highest rates of unwanted and unwed births are in the southern christian part of our country. Teenagers who do not use real birth control.
Abstinence as a birth control tool is a scam, just like Gay conversion is. Palin got well paid pushing that particular scam.
there's that, and also the fact that her family has a lot to say on the internets about the alleged immorality of others. the timing of the announcements of the cancelled wedding and then the pregnancy suggests pretty strongly that the father is not her ex-fiancé.
I don't particularly care about it. she's an adult and it's her private business. But maybe after this, she and her family will stop lecturing the rest of us about morality and "the real America."
It's 7 yrs later and she's a grown woman who was engaged to be married. Her "campaign" was about abstinence in the context of preventing teen pregnancy. Her current pregnancy has no bearing on her teen abstinence campaign
Yeah, she's not exactly a role model as an adult who practices what she preeches.
The "preaching" came from a teen. The context is completely different now
conandrob240 said:
It's 7 yrs later and she's a grown woman who was engaged to be married. Her "campaign" was about abstinence in the context of preventing teen pregnancy. Her current pregnancy has no bearing on her teen abstinence campaign
oh, horse poop. why are you defending this piece o'crap? We're looking at the embodiment of a dishonest, hypocritical huckster, skimming hundreds of thousands of dollars as she and her family pretends to support "family values".
And also, the 'abstinence only' philosophy does not only apply to teens. It applies to all sex outside of marriage. That's kind of like the hole point of the thing.
Furthermore, teaching abstinence only INCREASES the rate of unwanted pregnancies overall. You can't say "well, if one pregnancy was prevented it was worth it'. For every person who bought into abstinence there's probably two who got pregnant because they were denied a real sex education. The net effect of her 'abstinence only' work undoubtedly caused more unwanted pregnancies.
drummerboy said:
Furthermore, teaching abstinence only INCREASES the rate of unwanted pregnancies overall. You can't say "well, if one pregnancy was prevented it was worth it'. For every person who bought into abstinence there's probably two who got pregnant because they were denied a real sex education. The net effect of her 'abstinence only' work undoubtedly caused more unwanted pregnancies.
conandrob240 said:
The "preaching" came from a teen. The context is completely different now
No, she continued it as an adult. At age 20 she was paid over $200,000 to be a spokesperson for abstinence only sex education. And the line she and her family spew isn't just about teen sex, it is about pre-matital sex.
Drummerboy beat me to it: The point of abstinence-only is NOT solely to keep teens from getting pregnant. It's part of their whole "sex-out-of-wedlock-is-a-sin" preaching mentality. She's a single mother twice-over, who has managed to get engaged twice but not married yet. Yet she has made a very good living preaching to young women about abstinence. The hypocrisy is staggering.
The crux of the matter for me is she's making a living telling others to do what she clearly cannot do herself.
drummerboy said:
conandrob240 said:oh, horse poop. why are you defending this piece o'crap? We're looking at the embodiment of a dishonest, hypocritical huckster, skimming hundreds of thousands of dollars as she and her family pretends to support "family values".
It's 7 yrs later and she's a grown woman who was engaged to be married. Her "campaign" was about abstinence in the context of preventing teen pregnancy. Her current pregnancy has no bearing on her teen abstinence campaign
And also, the 'abstinence only' philosophy does not only apply to teens. It applies to all sex outside of marriage. That's kind of like the hole point of the thing.
Did you mean "whole"?
I've never cared less about anything. I am much more interested to know if Kimye will name her second child "South".
Woot said:
I've never cared less about anything. I am much more interested to know if Kimye will name her second child "South".
I heard "Nine."
I'm not defending anything. I find it sad that she feels she has to apologize for having a baby. Why should anyone at all care? She should have her baby and be happy and not give a second thought to what anyone thinks. I think it's ridiculous to care that because she promoted abstinence 7 years ago when she was a teen, it has any bearing on what she does now. It's like a speaking out against underage drinking but expecting the person never to touch alcohol when they are of age
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Guess that abstinence thing just never took.
She's 24 years old now and had Baby 1 at 17. She took money from the Candie's shoe foundation to promote and be their spokesperson for abstinence. Quite sure they'll be looking for some of their money back.
Teens and young women have unplanned pregnancies and she is no different (her mom wants us to believe that Bristol is different but she isn't).The hypocrisy of this is toxic. Do as I say, not as I do I assume to be the Palin Family motto.
Her statement is a little sad:
“I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you,” continued Palin, mother of 6-year-old Tripp with her first ex-fiance Levi Johnston. “But please respect Tripp’s and my privacy during this time. I do not want any lectures and I do not want any sympathy.”
Why should privacy be respected when she announced her pregnancy on social media, complete with "big news" dangling in the faces of her followers? Who is the father of this child? And she doesn't want lectures. Got it. How about birth control? Can she use some of that?
Bill O'Reilly seethes and lies through his teeth about the incidents of teen pregnancies in this country and who's at fault. He embarrasses himself trying to prove that Beyonce is a liability because she sings about sex with her husband while O'Reilly makes her out to be sexual napalm out to destroy the youth of America.
But having two babies with two different dads and no prospects of marriage is morally righteous?