Brazilian Presidential Election

Lula da Silva just won the election:

Which I think is great news for Brazil, and heartening to supporters of democracy everywhere.

But, troublingly, Bolsonaro has yet to conceed.

PVW said:

Lula da Silva just won the election:

Which I think is great news for Brazil, and heartening to supporters of democracy everywhere.

But, troublingly, Bolsonaro has yet to conceed.

I believe his party controls their congress. He's trying to build enough support within his congress and the military to see if he can successfully "challenge" the election.

Like Trump tried. Too bad for him that the military is loaded with patriots who believe in our constitution. With congress we barely made it through. Should Republicans win the midterms the future may well be a different story.

We can also "thank" Manchin and other supposedly Democrats who were against the new voting rights act.

Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin, Xi Jinping, bin Salman, Orban - birds of a feather.

Bolsonaro was taking notes from trumpenstein… “if I lose, the election was rigged”…now refusing to concede. 
This could lead to violence if he continues to claim he was cheated. He tried all kinds of stunts, roadblocks, police intimidation of voters in the northern states. These right wing nuts are out of control around the globe.

A good sign is that Brazil's military did not turn out at any of Bolsonaro's rallies during the campaign, which some journalists found surprising.  If Lula has cut a deal with the military I don't think there will be an uprising despite easy access to firearms for the public.  Come to think of it, the military has a ton of sway in Brazil and is often the arbiter of how elections go.  For all we know it could have been rigged, but Lula was savvy enough to cut that deal.  It would be ironic if he did it from ties he made while in prison on made up charges.

Our own righteous wing nuts are injecting themselves into Brazilian politics. Bannon tells Bolsonaro “do not concede” and urging him to “fight the steal”…even trumpenstein sent a video to Brazilian tv before the election calling Bolsonaro “one of the great people in all of politics and in all of leadership of countries, don’t lose him… Don’t let that happen….. It would not be good for your country…..” sounds familiar? Just like trumpenstein, Bolsonaro will now be investigated for his crimes and might very well end up in prison…. Maybe he might run to Hungary to live, can’t hide out in Mar-A-Lardo with his pal.

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