Best running mate for Hillary?

I wouldn't think Sanders because she already has the liberal vote. Thoughts

Tim. Geithner. It will gather $$$ Billions in support for her campaign and St. Hillary The Annointed needs all the help she can get.

Yesterday's article really pissed me off. An Iowa mom with a dying daughter asks Hillary's support for her daughter's need for medical marijuana. Her response.... this needs research. Based on that, if not Geithner, maybe Christie would be a good choice.

We can do better than Hillary.

The political post postulates a preliminary presidential primary prognostication which is premature, a bit presumptuous and piques a persnickety portion of the present populist progressive population, which persists as a problem (for her).

But no, Sanders will not be her running mate.

Sorry, I really had to P when I posted.

Whats Tipper Gore up to? For the bulk of my life a Bush or a clinton has held the highest offices in the land (from Bush Sr as vp when I was born to Hillary as sec of state) so why not go for a Clinton / Gore vs Jeb and whoever election?

Cart before the horse here.

Joe Biden??? Intriguing.......

Soul_29 said:
We can do better than Hillary.

+1 Don't know who but the Clintons have more baggage that can comfortably fit in the overhead compartment.

It's waaaaay early!

Someone who is high profile and from a swing state.

Tim Kane and Mark Udall come to mind.

I heard today that Gore was throwing his hat into the presidential ring. If that's true, then the shyt gets real.

Clinton is losing support to Sanders so quickly I doubt the question means much.

As sad as I am to say this, I don't think Hilary for President is meant to be. I think the emails/ Benghazi will undo her and she won't even get the Dem nomination. Time will tell and I hope I am wrong but it's just a bad feeling I have.

Assuming that Hillary gets the nomination and the GOP does not nominate Rubio, I would think Julian Castro is the right choice.

I don't think Hilary would accept the Vice Presidency, so the question is moot.

Bill. It would be a co- presidency anyway. This would make it official.

Bill had two terms, so he can't be VP.

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

Clinton isn't ineligible to be President. He simply cannot be elected President again. However, he can serve up to two years as President in a term of someone else (i.e. Hilliary). Thus, he could take Hillary's final two years after she's indicted.

I'm not disputing this, but it's the first time I've heard this. I think it applies more to someone like LBJ or Ford, who served as president after ascending from the vice-presidency, then ran for the office - not the other way around. That is, LBJ could have run for the second time in '68, Ford could have run in '80. I don't think Bill Clinton or GWB can run again for vp or prez, having served two fully elected terms as president.

Robert_Casotto said:
However, he can serve up to two years as President in a term of someone else (i.e. Hilliary).

Bill the Cat, that is my call for her Veepness.

President and VP candidate can not be residents of the same state (Cheney lived in Texas but was not his official residence ).

mikescott said:
President and VP candidate can not be residents of the same state (Cheney lived in Texas but was not his official residence ).

It was Texas. As I recall he suddenly flew from Texas to Wyoming and registered to vote.

As VEEP, my choice is Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Is that law or just custom?

mikescott said:
President and VP candidate can not be residents of the same state (Cheney lived in Texas but was not his official residence ).

I thought it was the law...

It says so in the Constitution.

Actually it does not exactly say that.

I learn something new every day.

that's an easy one. Hillary can just take up residence in D.C. and leave Bill in Chappaqua. She's very adept at taking up residence for convenience.

mikescott said:
I thought it was the law...

I'm pretty sure it's law as it was brought up in regard to a possible Bush/Rubio ticket a while back

LOST said:

mikescott said:
President and VP candidate can not be residents of the same state (Cheney lived in Texas but was not his official residence ).
It was Texas. As I recall he suddenly flew from Texas to Wyoming and registered to vote.
As VEEP, my choice is Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Well, he was the Senator from Wyoming for a good long while (a friend of mine from high school worked for him there -- back when he was still a human being [so far as we knew])

Wouldn't surprise me if Texas was his residence of convenience, and/or that he still had a residence in Wyoming.

Cheney was a Congressman, not a Senator.

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