Auto Repair

Need recommendation for specialist in repairing transmission on a 2013 Dodge family van. Local to SOMA area would be best. TIA.

Do you need a specialist for transmissions?  Not something a general serrvice station can do?  If you search threads here, the subject of service stations/car repairs comes up a lot and there are certain places that get multiple recommendations.  

need a referrel for transmission repairs, maybe replace. thanks

Very good service, honest guy. Springfield avenue in vauxhall. Close to buy wise auto parts store.

I like De Finis on Millburn Ave in Maplewood.

If you have a regular mechanic you like, he may send out transmission work and could advise/refer.

Bob's Transmissions a block or 2 up from A and J is a master transmission mechanic. They were able to fix a problem that I had given up hope with after 2 other shops. 

yahooyahoo said:

I like De Finis on Millburn Ave in Maplewood.

DeFinis replaced the transmission on a Toyota Camry that my son inherited from my mom in 2012 or so. Transmission went much quicker than typical. Frank recommended we go with the higher cost that gave him a warranty. Excellent suggestion as when he had already moved to California in 2014 a few years later that transmission went again and the insurance company paid fully.

Frank has done me many solid favors beyond transmission. Honest and a nice guy. 

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