Anti-war protests in Russia

Would love to try and track the uprisings in Russia in this thread.  Is Vlad successful at squashing anyone's ability to protest - is it a right?  Appears so.  

Here's some info:

The recorded number of anti-war protestors arrested by day according to OVD-Info is:

According to that page - looks like protests were pretty active from the start of the "special operation" through March 13th, but not much more reported on this page after that.

Are the protesters Nazis or just run-of-the-mill neocons?

I hear they were all women, but I can't be sure as I'm not a biologist. 

terp said:

I hear they were all women, but I can't be sure as I'm not a biologist. 

Keep in mind, not everyone is a fan of anti-LGBTQ "jokes", Mr. Terp.

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