Animal Rights Animal Wrongs - East Brunswick Salamander Crossing.

I have wanted to start this thread for a long time. This sad occasion seems to be the right time.

That is very sad. We had this unique animal who had managed to survive despite disability and someone just murdered him for sport.

I am so sad.

This year the hunters were allowed to even kill sows with their cubs.

The scoutmaster that the NYT article mentions was injured because he stupidly entered a cave that a bear was using for a den.

And from Senator Lesniak, Nosey's Law is up for a vote on Thursday.'sLaw

Found this article on the flooding of the lagoons as they are called, outside of the pig farms in North Carolina. It should be of interest to people interested in the effects of climate change or those interested in the impact of factory farms on our environment.

Senator Lesniak is still fighting to reinstate the ban on the steel leghold trap. I used to take a trap with me when I tabled to first institute the ban and now we are going backward. I hope people will reach out to the Senator to show their support of the ban. Below is an email from Sen. Lesniak.

I have introduced legislation S2750 which will
reinstate the ban on all Leghold Traps and ban the new version which the court

This article in the Atlantic City Press will give
us a big boost. I'll keep you posted on its progress.

Our view: Legislature needs to reassert long-standing ban on
leghold traps

The N.J. Department of Environmental Protection
has been dishonest in its efforts to allow the use of steel leghold traps to
catch animals even though they're banned under state law. Last week a state
Appellate Court added another layer of dishonesty in this scheme to thwart the
will of N.J. residents as a favor to a small number of animal

Traps with metal jaws that snap shut on an animal's leg were
banned in 1984, and a prior Republican administration declared the ban
unambiguous, absolute and not avoidable by technical modifications. The traps
can break the bones of animals, which sometimes chew off their legs to escape or
just suffer for days waiting for a trapper to return.

From Senator Lesniak

Please call or email your Senator and ask him/her to ask Senator Sweeney to post Pedals Law, S2702, for a Senate vote Monday, December 19. S2702, Pedals Law, will implement more effective non-lethal methods used in other states and National Parks for bear management.

As the year ends, those of us who are animal activists have lost many battles and the losses came in many shapes and sizes. One of them appeared in the form of a large bear who walked upright and was named Pedals. I started this thread with the story of his death during one of New Jersey's bear hunts. Now a few days after Trump's trophy hunting sons attempt to fundraise with the prize of a hunting trip, I found this tribute to the beloved bear listed among the special lives celebrated in The New York Times. A wonderful author Karen Dawn alerted me to this article. Karen Dawn has a national email list which shares stories currently in the media that discuss the plight of animals in our society and those of us who subscribe have the option of thanking the writers and producers for the positive ones or arguing our case against the theories we oppose. I think a thank you is due to the Times for elevating this remarkable bear to be included in their featured stories. I'm grateful as well to Senator Lesniak who has promoted his bill to end the bear hunts. Here is Pedal's story.

Upcoming protest January 23rd in Trenton as well as a call in to Sweeney to get the bill up for a vote.

Pedals' Law will end bear hunts for 5 years, while a non-lethal bear control program is implemented.

Next Session Will Be Held In NJ On January 23rd!

We need all of the NJ Black Bear Defenders to come together in a protest to push Pedals' Law to the floor for a vote. The hunting lobbyist are pressuring Senator Sweeney, he is the only one with the capability to bring this bill to the floor for a vote. Please let him know that those who are in favor of Pedals' Law and opposed to The NJ Black Bear Hunt represent the majority of New Jersey Citizens.

For those who cannot attend, there will be an online event to coincide with the protest.

Please Call Senator Sweeney @(856) 251-9801 And Tell Him... To Post S2702 Pedals'Law For A Vote!

New Jersey is on it's way to banning puppy mills thanks to Senator Ray Lesniak, (who is running for governor.)

Of course the bill posted above by Senator Lesniak was vetoed by Christie.

 Today's good news: NY has just banned wild animal acts from coming to town, so if Ringling Brothers is planning on a return visit without the elephants but with lions and tigers and bears, oh my, they had better read the article in the NY Daily News.

Haven't posted here in such a long time. I've decided that the time is right. So here goes.

Hadn’t noticed this thread before - thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. 

joanne said:
Hadn’t noticed this thread before - thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. 

Thanks joanne. I actually thought of moving it to Soapbox All politics.

Morganna said:

joanne said:
Hadn’t noticed this thread before - thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. 
Thanks joanne. I actually thought of moving it to Soapbox All politics.

 It should be moved to All politics because it is part of same political debate that goes on there, with some of the same often quoted commentators.

California passed Prop 12, which supposedly is some of the strongest animal protection in the world.

Morganna said:
This method of egg production produces no males as they would have to be destroyed.

 Pro-lifers won’t like the method; you’re still culling male embryos just very very early in the process.

joanne said:

Morganna said:
This method of egg production produces no males as they would have to be destroyed.
 Pro-lifers won’t like the method; you’re still culling male embryos just very very early in the process.

 Well, I'll take the win! I have a few beefs, I guess I'm mixing metaphors. I wonder what becomes of the females after egg laying is no longer viable. I think its only a few years.

I grew up liking scrambled eggs and cheese omelets. Haven't found a replacement yet. I have been satisfied with an egg substitute for pancakes which I'm saturating with Trader Joe's Bourbon Maple Syrup. We take our little pleasures where we may.

cheese I've seen what looks like a very yummy egg replacement based on coconut products, but I can't have coconut because of the amines. Sigh. (Same goes for most of the good, melty cheese substitutes too)

The manufactured, lab-grown protein ('meat') research that's regularly highlighted in New Scientist looks interesting: the writers make a point of comparing ethics, economics, taste/culinary performance and carbon footprint. 

Good to see animals finally getting some rights.  In California they are outlawing the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits unless they are rescues:

Go, girl!  Proud of ya.

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