2024 GQP Presidential Hopefuls - Who's The Trumpiest Of Them All?

No, it's not too early.

They're already jockeying for position, mostly by embracing the fallen standard of "Trumpism".

Their ambition will affect political dialog right now, so we may as well recognize it.

[Edited to add] I'm thinking more along the line of, "Who has a shot at it" or "Who is trying for it".

Mike Pompeo.

Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz are obvious.

Rand Paul - Pay no attention to what was actually said by Biden, says Rand. 

RNC Chair McDaniel is planning a veritable "Star Wars bar scene" gathering of hopefuls for later this month.

McDaniel is inviting roughly a dozen potential 2024 presidential candidates to the RNC's January meeting in Amelia Island, Fla. — the most explicit move she's made yet to show that the committee will be impartial going forward and not simply an extension of Trump’s political machine, even as he openly mulls a comeback bid.

The list of would-be candidates invited to speak includes South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, and former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley. Vice President Mike Pence, another potential contender, is planning to attend. Trump is also invited, though spokespersons declined to say whether he’d be going.

RNC invites 2024 hopefuls to January meeting in show of neutrality toward Trump - POLITICO

I would think Ben Sasse. I'm not a fan, but he sounded reasonable at least the last couple of months.

jfinnegan said:

I would think Ben Sasse. I'm not a fan, but he sounded reasonable at least the last couple of months.

 So, absolutely no chance for him, to be the 2024 GOP nominee?

nohero said:

jfinnegan said:

I would think Ben Sasse. I'm not a fan, but he sounded reasonable at least the last couple of months.

 So, absolutely no chance for him, to be the 2024 GOP nominee?

 Not one iota of a chance. 

nohero said:

Rand Paul - Pay no attention to what was actually said by Biden, says Rand. 

 If the shoe fits Rand... 

why are the vast majority of the republican office holders such vile personalities?

ridski said:

nohero said:

jfinnegan said:

I would think Ben Sasse. I'm not a fan, but he sounded reasonable at least the last couple of months.

 So, absolutely no chance for him, to be the 2024 GOP nominee?

 Not one iota of a chance. 

 If the nomination were made today I'd agree with this. But I think it's reasonable to expect Trumpism to fade over the next couple years, and if Trumpism fades, Sasse's a legitimate contender.  

Smedley said:

 If the nomination were made today I'd agree with this. But I think it's reasonable to expect Trumpism to fade over the next couple years, and if Trumpism fades, Sasse's a legitimate contender.  

 For Trumpism to fade, those who appeal to Trumpism have to fade away.

So Cruz, Hawley, Pompeo, Kristi Noem, Joni Ernst, Tom Cotton, Nikki Haley et al. have to either fade away or find new themes and postures - and do it fairly soon.

Trumpism was the logical and inevitable destination of the Republican Party, given the direction it had been heading for the past 40 years.  So even without Trump it's not going away.  Doesn't anyone remember the 2012 debates, in which the likes of Mitt Romney were talking about doing even more torturing of POWs, and "double Gitmos"?  Then the thinly veiled racism in his remarks about the "takers" and "makers"?  Trump just channeled all of the worst of the Republicans into himself and brought the veiled bigotry into the open.

I think Hawley, Cruz and Pompeo will fade away sooner than Sasse. The pic of Hawley raising his fist to the rioters is not going to endear him to at least some percentage of that 70 million. Does Paul Ryan comeback? 

If Trump is allowed to run - I think he will.  He will bully his way through the Republican field.  Unless he starts the Patriot party like he's threatening to do.  Then you have Junior and Ivanka who will believe it's their turn to lead the party.

Apart from the Drumpfs - I think Pompeo has really set himself up to be a contender.

nohero said:

Rand Paul - Pay no attention to what was actually said by Biden, says Rand. 

Working hard to be more despicable then Ted Cruz.

hoops said:

nohero said:

Rand Paul - Pay no attention to what was actually said by Biden, says Rand. 

 If the shoe fits Rand... 

why are the vast majority of the republican office holders such vile personalities?

Rand Paul, a vile hypocrite.

Supposedly a libertarian who touts get government out of our lives, personal responsibilities and so on.

Except when its not convenient. Look what happened after a fight with his neighbor. Paul gets the full force of the Federal government to take care of it instead of local law enforcement. Its the "I'm a senator, how dare he. Gets that guy indicted and prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal law for attacking him because he's a U.S. senator." Rand Paul, a full fledged member of the very elite taking full advantage of his eliteness.


Rene Boucher, who was initially sentenced to 30 days plus 100 hours of community service and a $10,000 fine, lost an argument with prosecutors who said the punishment was too lenient. Boucher’s new sentence of eight months will include the month he has already served, though it will also force him to serve six months in home confinement. In a separate civil case, Boucher was also ordered to pay Paul over $580,000 in damages.

Who here thinks they will get that kind of justice with that level of remuneration after a fight?

First of all, yes it's too early.

Second of all, Pence sure seems to have been trying to maneuver himself as a leader in a post-Trump Republican party.  He may be counting on people remembering nothing but his last two weeks in office when he stood up to Trump and ran afoul of an angry mob as a result.

With any luck, Trump takes the millions he raised for his PAC (about maybe 10% or less of which went to contesting the election results) and builds a new Patriot party, which will then be a boil on the **** of the GOP for the next twenty years.

Third of all, it's too early.   

mrincredible said:

Third of all, it's too early.   

Sure, but they don't listen to either you or me on this topic.

Even the sacking of the Capitol was one of the first "shots" of the 2024 GOP primary brawl.  Hawley and Cruz didn't actually believe that their challenges would lead to another Trump term.  They were just displaying their plumages for the voting base they want to grab. 

nohero said:

Sure, but they don't listen to either you or me on this topic.

Even the sacking of the Capitol was one of the first "shots" of the 2024 GOP primary brawl.  Hawley and Cruz didn't actually believe that their challenges would lead to another Trump term.  They were just displaying their plumages for the voting base they want to grab. 

I hope the two of them have a grueling catfight primary for the Presidential nomination for the TrumPatriot party. And that the winner of that contest siphons off a few hundred thousand Republican votes in the general election in Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Wisconsin.

(still too early)

mrincredible said:

I hope the two of them have a grueling catfight primary for the Presidential nomination for the TrumPatriot party. And that the winner of that contest siphons off a few hundred thousand Republican votes in the general election in Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Wisconsin.

(still too early)

 I hear ya.

Four years ago how many of you would have had Joe Biden on a list of potential Dem candidates?

Four years from now there might not be one united Republican Party. 

STANV said:

Four years ago how many of you would have had Joe Biden on a list of potential Dem candidates?

Who didn’t? 

ml1 said:

Trumpism was the logical and inevitable destination of the Republican Party, given the direction it had been heading for the past 40 years.  So even without Trump it's not going away.


Some, like McConnell, realize Trumpism is a death spiral but the party will remain all in for Trump.

We saw that at the Jan RNC meeting where the Trumpist chair was unanimously re-elected with everyone crying their loyalty and love for Trump. We see that in Arizona where the state party is trying to get rid of McCain. We see that in Michigan where the state party has denied to re-nominate the Republican on the state canvas board that voted to certify Biden's win.

We see that here, in one of NYC's local Republican clubs, where they're gyrating for Trump.


Their primary voters are all in for Trump. So will the party be.

DaveSchmidt said:

STANV said:

Four years ago how many of you would have had Joe Biden on a list of potential Dem candidates?

Who didn’t? 

 To your point, from May 8, 2017:

So we should watch out for who shows up to campaign for the Republican candidate for Virginia governor (there are currently four candidates according to Ballotpedia) and the race here in NJ (Hirsh Singh seems to be the only current Republican candidate).

By the way, here's all you need to know about Singh from Twitter. Although this probably merits a new thread.

Wait, how do we know Singh isn't a fake Republican? Isn't misdirecting attention to other Republicans exactly what a fake Republican would do? I think Republicans need to spend then next 2, 4, or indefinite number of years refusing to vote for anyone who might be a suspected fake Republican. Heck, they might need to dissolve the party to protect it from infiltration by fake Republicans, just to be safe.

Morganna said:

Nikki Haley

 she's a pretty terrible person, but I hope she gets the GOP nomination in 2024.  Then if Harris is the Democratic nominee, the misogynist voters' heads will explode.  Not to mention those bigoted against any person of color.  A Haley-Harris race might take all that off the table.  A lot of people might decline to vote at all, but so be it.  I'd hate to see Harris lose a close election simply because a lot of people won't vote for a woman president.

And yes, I'm already assuming an 82 year-old Joe Biden will decline to run in 2024.  But who knows?

ml1 said:

 she's a pretty terrible person, but I hope she gets the GOP nomination in 2024.  Then if Harris is the Democratic nominee, the misogynist voters' heads will explode.  Not to mention those bigoted against any person of color.  A Haley-Harris race might take all that off the table.  A lot of people might decline to vote at all, but so be it.  I'd hate to see Harris lose a close election simply because a lot of people won't vote for a woman president.

Here's my cynical take:

There are lot more Republicans who would forego a Presidential election between two women of color than Democrats.  

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