2022 Primaries - Madison out!

So happy Madison is out.  Only 2 points off.

Dr. Oz is still too close to call.  Part of me hopes he loses now - but I would also like to see him lose in the main election, I think McCormick has a better chance to win.

Oz is a con as much as T**** - here's one of his cons:

Dr. Oz, the Trump-supported candidate, is counting on the mail-in votes in order to secure his nomination.

And the more recent segment - starts at 1:30:


Dr. Mehmet Oz, who announced he's running for a US Senate seat in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, reportedly used his in-law's Pennsylvania address to register to vote in the state last year.

Oz lived in New Jersey for several years, but last year he registered to vote in Pennsylvania's Montgomery County, using his in-law's address in Bryn Athyn to do so, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

A representative for Oz's campaign said he does live in Pennsylvania.

"Dr. Oz lives in Pennsylvania, votes in Pennsylvania, and has his medical license in Pennsylvania. Dr. Oz grew up in the Greater Philadelphia region, less than 5 miles from the PA border. He went to school in Pennsylvania, met his wife and got married in Pennsylvania, and 2 of his children were born in Pennsylvania. He currently resides in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, where his wife's family has lived for a hundred years," Erin Perrine said.

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