Do you know if transportation is being provided to Maplewood and/or South Orange seniors? If so, how would one sign up for it?
Material I have seen states that registration/tickets is not required. I this accurate?
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Do you find yourself wondering how much longer your aging parents can care for themselves? Or how you will care for yourself as you age? We’ve been asking ourselves the same questions, so we are bringing the answers to you!
We are excited to announce that Susie Adamson, Realtor® with Keller Williams Midtown Direct in partnership with Bethany Joseph, LMSW, MPH, Elder Care Consultant, are hosting the first SOMA Senior Care Fair on April 30, from 1-5pm! They are working hand-in-hand with Cathy Rowe, Coordinator of SOMA - Two Towns for All Ages. This event will kick off this initiative's Older American Month (May) activities.
All are invited to join us for access to resources that are available to older adults and those who care for them.
Spread the word! Even if you don’t need help now, this is the time to start planning and get some of your questions answered. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity! Find event and registration information at
Sponsored by Township of Maplewood Recreation Department, Synergy Home Care (Parsippany), Winchester Gardens, Ocean Healthcare, Eagle Home Mortgage, Elder Law Attorney Robert Bernstein, Esq.