Since when do the Jets and Giants games get scheduled at the same start time???

Is this a new thing or have I just noticed it?

-Ron Carter

May have something to do with the Indian and Yanks playing tonight at 7:30.  Don't want football games with fans of either team going too late and cutting into the viewing.

Up until a few years ago, it never happened. Then, I think they tried it a couple of times in situations like this where a baseball playoff game or the High Holy Days made it more convenient. Now, I think this is the second time it's happened already this year.

The NFL is gradually transitioning from the traditional AFC/CBS NFC/Fox model to a landscape where a great many people will watch non-local games via streaming services or on Red Zone. The AFC package is inherently weaker and there might be more money in mixing up the Sunday afternoon slate, or just auctioning individual games among a select series of providers. Likewise, the home blackout rule has either been eliminated or loopholed to its dying breath.

I literally just had this conversation with my son 5 minutes ago.  This is the second time this year.  

In any event - Go Jets!!!!

It is illegal to be a fan of both teams.

steel, I just like watching generally inept football!


Agreed Steel.  But I do route for 2 teams.  The Jets and anyone who plays the Giants.  So that is where the time conflict comes in to play.

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