Segregated BLM Holiday: Lisa Durden Interview with Tucker Carlson:

In a TV interview, Ms. Durden argued that having a segregated BLM Memorial Day celebration (Brooklyn) was proper.  And, Durden also argued that one segregated day for AA is justified by every other day being white day.  I have set forth a partial transcrip, a link to the video and attached the celebration poster.  Ms. Durden is/was a professor at Essex County College.  I support Ms. Durden's right to speak out her support for segregation (based on her 1st amendment right to free speech).  However, I do not think anyone can justify a segregated celebration at a community center (unable to determine whether this CC is a public space, NGO space, not-for-profit, church, etc).  Creeping support for segregation is a scary thing.


Transcript excerpted from following URL:

The following is a partial transcript: 

Tucker Carlson: “Thanks for coming on.”

Lisa Durden: “Thank you, good to see you again. You’re doing well.”

Tucker Carlson: “Thank you. I was confused by this, because I thought the whole point of Black Lives Matter, one of the points would be to speak out against singling people out on the basis of their race and punishing them for that, cause you can’t control what your race is, and yet, they seem to be doing that. Explain that to me.”

Lisa Durden: “What I say to that is: ‘Boo, hoo, hoo’, you white people are angry because you couldn’t use your white privilege card to get invited to the Black Lives Matters’ all black Memorial Day celebration – wow! Let me contextualize that for you–”

No, you don’t need to contextualize anything for anyone considering your logic is nonexistent and your racism abundant.

Lisa Durden continued:

Tucker Carlson: “First of all, I don’t want you to contextualize, I wanna ask–”

Lisa Durden: “I need to contextualize cause–”

Tucker Carlson: “You’re attacking people on the basis of their race . . . [she rants more nonsense] I’m not going to let you filibuster past my question. Hold on, Lisa . . . [she continues to make a fool of herself] . . . I don’t wanna shut this down, but I will. Okay, I’m not mad at that, I just have a really simple question–”

Lisa Durden: “Okay, I’m ready.”

Tucker Carlson: “If you don’t like people excluding others on the basis of their race, in this society we agree that that’s bad, I agree it’s bad, you agree it’s bad, why are you doing it and why are you defending it?”

Lisa Durden: “White folks crack me up, all-uv-uh-sudden when we wanna have one day for black folks to focus on ourselves, but you’ve been having ‘white day’ forever, you don’t say the words anymore cause you know it’s politically incorrect, but you’ve had an all-white Oscars, all these movies with all-white actors movie after movie after movie, all-white TV shows with white casts over and over and over again…

She then rants about “The Bachelorette” . . .

Tucker Carlson: “I hope you’re not speaking for anyone else, I hope there aren’t a lot of people in this country who agree with you . . .”

Lisa Durden: “Well, my name is Lisa Durden, so I’m speaking for Lisa Durden.”

Tucker Carlson: “I just hope there aren’t people watching who agree with you, cause what you’re saying is so hostile, and separatist, and crazy, and such a basic violation of what I thought we all agreed on, which is you don’t attack people for things they can’t control, namely their race . . .”


Advice to other readers: Spare yourself the Gateway Pundit's annotated partial transcript and use the six minutes to watch the video for yourself, if interested.

For the OP, in case it helps answer questions about the center:

phony hysteria for two reasons.  First, black self-segregation is going nowhere.  It's a dead end.  Farakhan couldn't make it happen, this lady isn't making it happen. 

Second, exclusive "us-ism" in fact goes on among whites all the time.  There are entire communities that are insular.  There are tons of social organizations that are premised on ethnic identity.  They are seen as benign and even helpful and they usually are.  The difference is, they don't adopt an in your face clenched fist posture like this group does.  One of those old guy Italian American social clubs doesn't have an "Italians only" sign on the door but I'd like to see the reception an uninvited black man gets.     

you're upset that black people held a BLM memorial for black people only?

I fail to see why anyone should be alarmed by this. 

Even more disturbing, Tucker Carlson recently interpreted Bret Stephens' recent sarcastic column literally.

Tucker Carlson.

How does this wang still have a job.

Durden has apparently been suspended by Essex County College and provided with a letter from ECC stating the following:

“The college promotes a community of unity that is inclusive of all. The general counsel has handled this matter in a way that complies with New Jersey state law. I am not at liberty to provide further details.”

See link below.

Sounds like ECC viewed Durden's statements as not being "inclusive of all."  As far as I can tell, Ms. Durden did not reveal that she was a professor at ECC while speaking with T. Carlson.  Further, it seems that Ms. Durden may have been suspended in retaliation for exercising her right to free speech.  We will need more info to make that determination.


Link to petition supporting Ms. Durden:

I am not upset.  I am merely pointing out that I am against creeping support for segregation.

ml1 said:

you're upset that black people held a BLM memorial for black people only?

I fail to see why anyone should be alarmed by this. 

it's not.  so you have nothing to be concerned about.

RealityForAll said:

I am not upset.  I am merely pointing out that I am against creeping support for segregation.
ml1 said:

you're upset that black people held a BLM memorial for black people only?

I fail to see why anyone should be alarmed by this. 

RealityForAll said:

I am not upset.  I am merely pointing out that I am against creeping support for segregation.

So you are a strong supporter of diversity programs and sensitivity and awareness training?

@dave23, is that what Ms. Durden was advocating for namely, diversity programs and sensitivity and awareness training?  Sounds like you are creating a straw man.

What is your POV on promoting a community of unity that is inclusive of all?

Finally, what is your opinion on the fact that Ms. Durden was suspended?

dave23 said:

RealityForAll said:

I am not upset.  I am merely pointing out that I am against creeping support for segregation.

So you are a strong supporter of diversity programs and sensitivity and awareness training?

she was advocating for a meeting with only black people. I have no issue with that

Do you think that ECC also viewed the situation as Durden "was advocating for a meeting with only black people" ?

ml1 said:

she was advocating for a meeting with only black people. I have no issue with that

They didn't say so who knows? Maybe they have a policy against any media appearances without permission. 

RealityForAll said:

Do you think that ECC also viewed the situation as Durden "was advocating for a meeting with only black people" ?
ml1 said:

she was advocating for a meeting with only black people. I have no issue with that

She was fired because that wang Tucker Carlson still has a job.


She was fired and that wang Tucker Carlson still has a job.

I'm guessing if a person makes an appearance on Fox News and the employer is then descended upon by angry viewers (I know, redundant), it doesn't go over well for the employee.

ml1 said:

I'm guessing if a person makes an appearance on Fox News and the employer is then descended upon by angry viewers (I know, redundant), it doesn't go over well for the employee.

I'm sure. But this is not her first rodeo. She's been on multiple shows before this and has been called out for her views many times, like this from 2015 which she posted on her own YT channel and is still there:

So unless she signed something saying she would no longer make such inflammatory appearances on FNC or any other cable news network, ECC, when they hired her at the beginning of this year, knew what they were getting into. They have every right to fire, of course, but she's just being her.

Tucker Carlson, of course, knows that, which is why he invited her in the first place. He can continue to mouth off whatever horse **** he wants, and still keep his job because his team brought her in and she brought in the ratings and the clicks and plays.

RealityForAll said:

@dave23, is that what Ms. Durden was advocating for namely, diversity programs and sensitivity and awareness training?  Sounds like you are creating a straw man.

What is your POV on promoting a community of unity that is inclusive of all?

Finally, what is your opinion on the fact that Ms. Durden was suspended?

I was commenting on your strong opposition to segregation, not on Durden.

I'm in favor of inclusivity, which is why I support diversity training and practices, such as those in hiring and university admission policies. (And many, many other things in that realm.) 

You feel the same way? 

@dave23, more straw men.  Nice try.

Second request for an answer:  

What is your POV on promoting a community of unity that is inclusive of all?

Finally, what is your opinion on the fact that Ms. Durden was suspended?

dave23 said:

RealityForAll said:

@dave23, is that what Ms. Durden was advocating for namely, diversity programs and sensitivity and awareness training?  Sounds like you are creating a straw man.

What is your POV on promoting a community of unity that is inclusive of all?

Finally, what is your opinion on the fact that Ms. Durden was suspended?

I was commenting on your strong opposition to segregation, not on Durden.

I'm in favor of inclusivity, which is why I support diversity training and practices, such as those in hiring and university admission policies. (And many, many other things in that realm.) 

You feel the same way? 

RealityForAll said:

@dave23, more straw men.  Nice try.

Second request for an answer:  

What is your POV on promoting a community of unity that is inclusive of all?

Finally, what is your opinion on the fact that Ms. Durden was suspended?

Asking a question is not a straw man.

As you could have surmised from my posts, I'm in favor of a community that is inclusive. It's hard to tell if you are, though, since you will only answer questions with questions. 

I have no opinion about Durden's suspension. (I do have an opinion about your fondness for Tucker Carlson, though.)

I guess we'll be left to wonder how far your desire for inclusivity extends.

I'm in favor of inclusivity in the broader community.  But I'm also fine if groups of people who are outside the long dominant group of white males want to occasionally meet by themselves and exclude the dominant group. For example, I'm OK with groups of female business people meeting and leaving out men.  I'm ok with black people having a BLM get together without white people.

I think white men need to get over their little tantrums over things like this BLM meet up.

Try playing it straight (DO NOT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH).  I have never said that I have a fondness for Tucker Carlson.  Until your posting minutes ago, I had no idea (and I definitely never surmised)  that you favored  promoting a community of unity that is inclusive of all (which I also support).

I believe that the facts surrounding Durden are most interesting in determining the limits of free speech.  And when a college can suspend or terminate a person because their speech conflicts with college policy.

Both Durden and a certain contingent at Evergreen State college have been promoting days of segregation (banning whites on a certain day); are these two events outliers or is a trend developing toward segregation supported by AAs?

dave23 said:

RealityForAll said:

@dave23, more straw men.  Nice try.

Second request for an answer:  

What is your POV on promoting a community of unity that is inclusive of all?

Finally, what is your opinion on the fact that Ms. Durden was suspended?

Asking a question is not a straw man.

As you could have surmised from my posts, I'm in favor of a community that is inclusive. It's hard to tell if you are, though, since you will only answer questions with questions. 

I have no opinion about Durden's suspension. (I do have an opinion about your fondness for Tucker Carlson, though.)

I guess we'll be left to wonder how far your desire for inclusivity extends.

People can be fired or suspended from jobs for all sorts of reasons, including expressing themselves in a way that the company or organization feels reflects badly on that company or organization. 

I don't know or particularly care about the details of her suspension. 

I suspect that this will be a small trend on campuses that serves as fuel for the right wing Outage Machine. Tucker has a new show and needs the grist and anger.

The trend will abate and the right will find something else to yell about.

Good luck on your inclusiveness project. There's a lot of work to be done there.

The shock is so much worse when the current flows in the opposite direction. 

I think it is wrong for a minority group concerned with discrimination against members of the group to exclude sympathetic allies from an event that is focused on that discrimination. To me it defeats the purpose.

OTOH I remember all women meetings in the early days of the Womens Liberation Movement that excluded men. I initially had a problem with that as well but the women justified that by saying that some women would not be able to freely discuss their problems in the presence of men. In that respect race seems different than gender to me.

Perhaps Carlson is the type of TV host who seeks guests with odd or extreme views so he can fight with them and boost is ratings that way. Is anyone here old enough to remember Joe Pyne?

LOST said:

Carlson is the type of TV host who seeks guests with odd or extreme views so he can fight with them and boost is ratings

And we're done here.

RealityForAll said:

Evergreen State college

Too soon. Not everybody knows yet  question 


One difference between this event and other more common kinds of one-group-only socializing is that Durden is being purposefully provocative to elicit a reaction.  It's not just about wanting to have a blacks only meeting, which I'm sure happens all the time for many different reasons (and not just with blacks, of course).  It's about the fun of saying "fu*k you, you can't come in priviliged wimpy white guy!"  And of course the Tucker Carlson's of the world take the bait because its part of their BS controversy-mongering song and dance too.  We shouldn't take the bait from either of them.      

ml1 said:

I'm in favor of inclusivity in the broader community.  But I'm also fine if groups of people who are outside the long dominant group of white males want to occasionally meet by themselves and exclude the dominant group. For example, I'm OK with groups of female business people meeting and leaving out men.  I'm ok with black people having a BLM get together without white people.

I think white men need to get over their little tantrums over things like this BLM meet up.

Do we know if Durden was actually involved in this event? I've seen no evidence that she was even part of this. 

I don't take the bait from these kinds of people.

Others folks do of course.  Constantly.  A handful of incidents around the country involving a few dozen students here or there and people are freaking out.  Ignoring the literally thousands of campuses and millions of students around the country where the exchange of ideas is as robust as ever.

I've pointed this out many times but what to me is more insidious are the parameters around speech and discussion that are enforced intrinsically in our culture.  The ways that militarism and its associated patriotic trappings are ingrained and enforced are far more dangerous than a professor on Fox News going on about Tucker Carlson's privilege.  We're ramping up for more military involvement in Syria.  It looks like we're going all in on Afghanistan again.  Those are the kinds of debacles we get involved in, at least in part because it's seen as "unpatriotic" not to be on board and "support the troops."  Dissent is ignored and marginalized.

I continue to be more bothered by the political correctness surround our wars and our military.  But instead fifty students bullying a professor in Washington state (admittedly a very bad thing to do) get far more attention.

bub said:


One difference between this event and other more common kinds of one-group-only socializing is that Durden is being purposefully provocative to elicit a reaction.  It's not just about wanting to have a blacks only meeting, which I'm sure happens all the time for many different reasons (and not just with blacks, of course).  It's about the fun of saying "fu*k you, you can't come in priviliged wimpy white guy!"  And of course the Tucker Carlson's of the world take the bait because its part of their BS controversy-mongering song and dance too.  We shouldn't take the bait from either of them.      

ml1 said:

I'm in favor of inclusivity in the broader community.  But I'm also fine if groups of people who are outside the long dominant group of white males want to occasionally meet by themselves and exclude the dominant group. For example, I'm OK with groups of female business people meeting and leaving out men.  I'm ok with black people having a BLM get together without white people.

I think white men need to get over their little tantrums over things like this BLM meet up.

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