Seeking replacement for CloudOn?

Shemademedothis is disappointed: he's just found out that his favourite app hasn't malfunctioned after all but has been closed down. Does anyone know of a great replacement for CloudOn, that allows you to work with (edit, read, etc) Office docs as if you have Office yet is cloud-based, works with Dropbox etc?

He used it on several desktop computers, laptop, iPad, phone; so the versatility was useful. He used it with docs received from students and from a variety of other sources, so again, that ease of use was helpful. .pdf isn't as helpful; he uses a lot of Word, Excel, some PowerPoint docs.


He'd rather not pay ongoing, thanks. (He paid for the app, but doesn't want all the ongoing costs)

He used to have a clever, mobile version but that hasn't kept pace with all the updates.

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