Rent Party: Marshall Crenshaw

We are so excited to announce that Marshall Crenshaw will be appearing on the Rent Party stage on Friday April 10! This will be a full band show, with special guests the Demolition String Duo ... It's gonna be a special night and sure to be a sell-out, so get your tickets early ...

Tickets go on sale tomorrow at

As always, the proceeds from these shows help fight hunger in our community ...

I went looking for a video to put you all in the mood and came across this! Probably my favorite Crenshaw song, but I had never seen this video ...

A classic

currently his website says he's touring with The Bottle Rockets as his backing band. If they're the band he brings on April 10, everyone is in for a treat. They rock:

Agreed--the Bottle Rockets are great!

Not sure who the players will be ... I suspect Rich Pagano on drums ... But I am pretty sure that it won't be the Bottle Rockets ...

But it will still be a great show!

Enough of the Crenshaw-Nile-Maddock-Jeffreys repeating loop...when's the TRAIN gonna pull back into the station?!!! ;-)

(and of course I'm not referring to Train of Thought)

Train_of_Thought said:

Enough of the Crenshaw-Nile-Maddock-Jeffreys repeating loop...when's the TRAIN gonna pull back into the station?!!! ;-)

(and of course I'm not referring to Train of Thought)

Listen, if I let you enjoy your retirement, you have to afford me the same courtesy ... Capice?

PS. No repeat offenders at Rent Party next year for the "feature" shows ... We're working on some very
tasty surprises!

Soul_29 said:

Listen, if I let you enjoy your retirement, you have to afford me the same courtesy ... Capice?

Apples and oranges. Bands with whom I played all kept on keepin' on, so no loss. BT left a void. I speak for the people.

But ok, duly noted nonetheless.

Thread drift ... But just for you!

I'm not seeing Crenshaw on the Rent Party site. Esplain?

bub said:

I'm not seeing Crenshaw on the Rent Party site. Esplain?

We are a 100% volunteer organization, with a volunteer web master ... It's coming.

Just wanted to make sure this wasn't Russian/Nigerian net scammers taking advantage of us.

Tickets are flying ... This will sell-out ... You have been warned!

Alas we have a conflict this will be the 3rd or 4th time he has played in SOMA and we have had other events or been away. ! LOL Someone please take lots of videos please!!!

You have to're on the poster.

When they say tickets are flying, they ain't lying ... We're halfway to a sell-out and there's three weeks to the show!

Tickets available at

Train_of_Thought said:

You have to're on the poster.

not really. but I did play this gold Strat:

Monday Morning Rock (bump)

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