Remember MST3K?


I saw that! I loved MST3K!

I'll be curious to see how this goes. I was initially really excited, but Mike has said he's not going to be involved, and I'm wondering if the other guys he does Rifftrax with (Kevin & Bill, aka Crow and Tom) also won't be on board. I feel like so much of the good stuff from MST3k was from those three guys, so I am a little nervous about the tone of the show without them.

But, looks like it's been funded so I guess we'll find out! This whole thing did make me want to maybe download a Rifftrax to watch with a movie this weekend. Maybe Star Wars or Harry Potter. 

Joel has apparently said that he would like to send Jonah Ray to the Satellite of Love.

I can't believe people have pledged over $2 million for this project.  There are a lot of deep pockets in the TV world that could have backed this project.

And $2 million only provides for three episodes...........

I wish I knew who Jonah Ray this a potentially good thing?

ridski said:

Joel has apparently said that he would like to send Jonah Ray to the Satellite of Love.

afa said:

I wish I knew who Jonah Ray this a potentially good thing?
ridski said:

Joel has apparently said that he would like to send Jonah Ray to the Satellite of Love.

I think so. I've been listening to the Nerdist podcast for a few years, which he appears on every now and then, and he's as smart and funny as Joel says in the article. You don't need to be quick for MST3K, as it's all scripted anyway, but he's great at delivering jokes and he's a likable goofball of a guy.

I did find it funny that they needed so much money to make a show which began with a couple of household-product puppets and whatever copyright-free movies they could find.

I've been watching since I was a kid in Minnesota, back in the KTMA 23 days. Loved Rifftrax (their National Geographic shows are hilarious) and met Joel at Cinematic Titanic a few years ago. Joel made a good point about how he and Mike have already "done their time" and that the show is due for a refresh to welcome a new audience. I don't really know anything about Jonah Ray, but I'm curious to check it out. These guys have made me laugh for years and cheered me up during some tough times - I was only too happy to kick in some support.

As for the money, Joel posted a breakdown of why it's so expensive. Here's the graphic that went along with it:

I find that chart astonishing. You know that the original MST3K had to have been produced on a shoestring (Walmart shoestring, not Neimann Marcus) budget. 

marylago said:

I find that chart astonishing. You know that the original MST3K had to have been produced on a shoestring (Walmart shoestring, not Neimann Marcus) budget. 

It was! This is what it looked like when I started watching - I think they spent about $6.83:

I wonder how much is going to movie rights this time around?

I would be surprised if my older brother didn't contribute. He was a huge fan.  I always kinda liked it but didn't go out of my way to see it.

I do remember years ago (like 1991) being at my girlfriend's house late one night and turning on her TV. Of course there was nothing on so I ventured to the UHF stations. There was a station on Long Island  (I was in Rye, NY) broadcasting an episode.  I had never heard of it, and nobody else seemed to know about it!

A big part of the appeal was the rough, low budget, campy production.  I wonder if a more polished production will resonate with fans.

yahooyahoo said:

A big part of the appeal was the rough, low budget, campy production.  I wonder if a more polished production will resonate with fans.

If the fans are held in place with strong enough gorilla tape, they shouldn't resonate at all.

ridski said:
yahooyahoo said:

A big part of the appeal was the rough, low budget, campy production. I wonder if a more polished production will resonate with fans.

If the fans are held in place with strong enough gorilla tape, they shouldn't resonate at all.

Nyuk nyuk!

If you liked MST3K - check this out.

It's the same guys commenting over popular movies.  I have the star wars collection - and it's well worth a listen.

This is getting better and better - Felicia Day and my favorite comic Patton Oswalt are joining the cast!

And all of the original cast members have been invited to participate (although who knows if that'll happen).

Just a few hours to go. 9 episodes funded, they're going for 12 plus a holiday special. Jack Black, Joel McHale, Jerry Seinfeld, Neil Patrick Harris, and Mark freakin' Hamill are lining up guest appearances for the new series as well - can't wait!

Over $6M!! They just made history:

A full new season!

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