Do you want an ETF or direct? If the former, and for a large cap, I'd look at VNQ. If the latter, and depending on what you're looking to put in, maybe look at PSA for a more secure REIT, and healthcare/senior for S&P-based cos for divs/return (maybe OHI, UHT, SNH, LTC) depending on whether you plan on reinvesting. Have heard of some other boutique REITs but they're going to cost and tie you up for a while.
Avoid David Lerner and Associates. I made a large investment there about 6 years ago in what they call APPLE 9.
It was intended to be in existence a few years and then sell out to a larger firm. They claimed that previous investors had made
as much as 16 per cent on their investment............As well as a guaranteed 8per cent a year.
Well it was a long 6 years of holding my breath as they were investigated by FINRA.and other fun happenings.
They just now decided to go Public and common shares will be available to all in about two weeks.
I did receive my 8 per cent which is pretty decent these days as Fixed Income goes.
Yesterday transferred all to my Fidelity Brokerage Account.
Someday I will sleep nights.
2010 Altima $4,800
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Anyone have an REIT that they recommend?