Recommendations for Opthamologist

Need to see an opthamologist - any recommendations?

Mr. Kibbegirl and our youngest son both see Sally Bregman on Millburn Avenue in Maplewood. Both like her very much and she's great with adults and children.

Sally is terrific but she is not an ophthalmologist, if that is what is needed.

def need ophthalmologist.

I don't have any, but you might want to fix the typo in your thread title to aid in future searches, and there was this relatively recent thread on the subject:

Excellent doctor. I have been going for a year now and discovered him by accident.

Dr. Charles J. Crane, MD
Address: 71 2nd St, South Orange, NJ 07079
Phone" width="" height="" alt="LOL" style="border:0;">973) 763-2203

My ophthalmologist is my favorite doctor (and I have a handful):

Dr. Monica Khalil
Summit Medical Group, Berkeley Heights

I've been going to an opthamologist in Chester. PM if you are interested in going that far and I will provide name and contact info.

Dr. Decker in the St. Barnarbas Ambulatory Care bldg. has very nice practice.

Our family uses Miller Opthalmology in West Orange (across the street from St Barnabas Hospital) and we've been happy with them.


If you google them and see that their website highlights Lasik, don't be put off by that if it isn't of interest to you. They offer the full range of opthalmology services. No member of our family has had Lasik surgery and I don't believe that they have ever even brought up the subject with us. (But, for those interested in that, I have heard that they are very good.)

2nd for Dr Decker He part of the Marano Eye Care practice.

Thanks all. Really ooking for someone who has some experience with vitreous detachment.

Am now interested in Kenneth S. Miller for Lasik or other corrective procedures. Anyone have any experience with the practice for this procedure?

@kat, is that a retina "thing"?
If so, Dr. Seery on Vauxhall with Retina Associates is great...

Ugh, he doesn't take our insurance, nor does Decker.

sac said:

Our family uses Miller Opthalmology in West Orange (across the street from St Barnabas Hospital) and we've been happy with them.


If you google them and see that their website highlights Lasik, don't be put off by that if it isn't of interest to you. They offer the full range of opthalmology services. No member of our family has had Lasik surgery and I don't believe that they have ever even brought up the subject with us. (But, for those interested in that, I have heard that they are very good.)

If you are using this practice, make sure that the person treating you is an ophthalmologist and not an optometrist. Had a very bad experience at this practice with an optometrist treating a condition for months that he had no expertise for.

@kat if it is for retinal detachment, my husband went to a practice in Livingston. I can look up the Dr. if you need info.

Well I did have lasik with Dr. Miller (see SAC's comments) , as well as very recently cataract surgery with him. Would certainly recommend. Noticed on the wall he was senior resident at Manhattan Eye and Ear, and thought that was a good sign for sure. Only the best get chosen for that. I would agree with that verdict.

@dg64 - Would appreciate the name of dr in Livingston.

@kat - It was Dr. Steven Cohen, Retina Vitreous Associates. If you suspect retinal detachment, you must see a doc right away. Take care.

Also Dr. Seery at Retina Associates in Millburn. (Very close by.)

My son has a rare condition that he monitors.

At Miller Opthalmology, you can request particular doctors. Both Dr. Millers are opthalmologists. (Not sure if the father (Phillip) is still active in the practice, but the son (Kenneth) definitely is.) They may also have optometrists on staff.

My husband, son and I all see. Dr Tutela in West Orange at the recommendation of several neighbors, but don't know about the retina thing.

If Dr. Seery does not take your insurance, one of the other doctors at Retina Associates might. It is worth a call to the practice. Office is on Vauxhall Road directly across from Staples.

If you are in need of a retina specialist - I take my mother down to Edison (across from JFK Medical Center) to NJ Retina. Any one of their people would be great (except Dr. Green, who is rather crotchety)

They merged recently, so I think their Vauxhall office is the one mentioned above with Dr. Seery.

Another vote for Dr. Decker at Marano Eye. Used Marano long time ago and he was great. Been seeing Dr. Decker for years and he's very thorough.

Several years ago hubster had retinal issues. He saw Decker who sent him to seery. With the referral he was able to get prompt appointment with Seery. Luckily, his issues resolved without further intervention. We were pleased with both docs.

When you call any docs do emphasize retinal symptoms. They do recognize the importance of dealing with this quickly.

Scott Walsman md, Hudson Eye Associates in Millburn.

I use Dr. Farbowitz at Short Hills Opthamology He specializes in a number of things, perhaps that is one of them. Good luck!

I like Dr Pruzon at Hudson Eye and like the office overall, you could call to see if they have anyone with the experience you need, good luck!

I see Dr Pruzon, but Drs Walsman or Greenfield come highly recommended as well.

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