Real Estate tax link? archived

Awhile back I recall there was a link which allowed you to learn what the taxes are on a particular address. Is there one? I have the Zillow address which gives home values.

Tried it. Have user name, password, etc. Can't see how to access Essex County records.

mtierney, just put in an address and it will give you the tax record info for it.

Mtierney - After logging in, click the "State of New Jersey (2006)" link. You can select the town to search in from there. That's where Maplewood and the other Essex County towns are.

Ah... I see the problem.. .First click on "State o New Jersey (2006)" THEN enter an address.

Tried the above. Found Essex County. But info on specific address gave me assessment, sold info, but no taxes!

This will get you what you're looking for. No login required.


Click Records Search at the top and fill out the form.

Gotta bookmark that one from Cougar. Nice find.

I think this might be what you are looking for:


same as Lilli's link...just one link farther in.

Was able to download the entire Maplewood database, all 7,390 records... don't be distracted by the "Monmouth" in the urls... it will come up with Maplewood. You get names, addresses, block, lot, prop class, sale dates, sale amts, land and bldg assessments, etc. etc. etc. basically a full comp listing.

Wow. I had no idea you could download the who database to Excel. Huge amount of information. The Excel-geek in me wants to put together some nifty little property prices price per acre over time...differences between assessed value and sale price...the possibilities are endless.

If anyone is interested...the file is here:

all 7,390 records.

TomD -

"The Excel-geek in me wants to put together some nifty little property prices price per acre over time...differences between assessed value and sale price...the possibilities are endless"

I think Essex county has beat you to it - I heard from a very good source that Maplewood has been notified our coefficient of deviation (regarding sale prices vs. property tax) has deviated far enough from the mean that it's ready to compel the township to undergo another reval.

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