Question about ROW

I've been driving for 38 years, and thought I knew almost all of the basic rules, but something has stumped me.

Driving South on Ridgewood, crossing thru Millburn Avenue, making the slight jog left onto Vauxhall. 

Another car exits synagogue directly into right-hand lane and blocks me from going thru to Vauxhall. 

At first, I thought I had the ROW, as the car turned into me, but the synagogue exits on the same stoplight as I do. Does anyone know for a fact which car has the right-of-way here?

You do.  You are currently on the roadway, the other car is entering the roadway from private property.

I know the intersection well.  Traffic coming out of the parking lot almost always behaves like they are on a public road and assumes the right of way over cars on Ridgewood that are making a left turn.  Just one of those things. 

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