Police Officer Punches Woman While Arresting Her

So proud of my state.  Go New Jersey........


"Police in the US state of New Jersey have opened an inquiry after a video emerged showing an officer punching a woman in the head during an arrest."

They're out of control. They they think they can get away with this crap just shows how corrupt some of them have become. Even if there was no camera, the guy still decided to beat this woman in full sight of witnesses who saw exactly what was happening.

She is underage, was in possession of alcohol (which may have belonged to her kids father who was in the ocean), gave the cop attitude, and was fighting them..and thinks cops shouldn't bother enforcing underage drinking.  True the alcohol wasn't opened from what I can tell.  We need more details before  I will side one way or the other.

Was she posing a threat to anyone?  I don't see a need for getting physical.  Give her a ticket and move along. 

Three cops.... they are holding her down and he needs to punch her. 

The key to this is the advice that was given to cops several years ago, when you are going to use excessive force, shout, "Stop Resisting" and repeat it several times while you are punching, kicking, beating the victim.

If I'm ever on a jury for excessive force and "Stop resisting" is part of the cop's defense, I'm voting guilty.

I wonder if they'll apologize and resign?

Latest is alcohol is prohibited on that beach and she was physically acting out...according to body cam video.

A beating is not the proportional response to this. Our cops are the worst trained in the world in conflict resolution. It's an embarrassment.  That poor woman was probably this close to getting shot.

He feared for his life

What kind of person grows up thinking it's ok to punch a girl like that?

dave said:
I wonder if they'll apologize and resign?

They should, and if they don’t they should be fired anyway.

Also I see the connection — it’s similar in some ways as it’s another abuse of power, but worse that it involves physical violence.

Yes police can use physical force as necessary and reasonable but I don't see how anyone can defend punches to the head as necessary and reasonable in this situation. Unless that's what they teach at the academy -- and I highly doubt it is -- the puncher should be fired. 


According to co ur t records, Weinman was arrested in 2 016 and charged with burglary, simple assault, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and recklessly endangering. She eventually pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts of simple assault and reckless endangerment and received four years’ probation.


No wonder she didn't want to give cops her name.

drummerboy said:
A beating is not the proportional response to this. Our cops are the worst trained in the world in conflict resolution. It's an embarrassment.  That poor woman was probably this close to getting shot.

 Thank you drummerboy.  Punching her in the head was clearly excessive and not necessary.  The cop, who probably outweighs the woman by 75 pounds, is laying on top of her and then decides to hit her in the head.  Do we think he was taught that technique at the police academy? 

unicorn33 said:
According to co ur t records, Weinman was arrested in 2 016 and charged with burglary, simple assault, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and recklessly endangering. She eventually pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts of simple assault and reckless endangerment and received four years’ probation.
No wonder she didn't want to give cops her name.

 Do you think the cop who was punching her in the face was clairvoyant and knew all of this information and decided to punish her for violating the probation?

Understand that if you watched this : https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/watch-texas-police-officer-pull-gun-on-teens-at-pool-party/2015/06/07/03072b6e-0d63-11e5-a0fe-dccfea4653ee_video.html?utm_term=.72cb2aa07bf3

three years ago and shrugged it off you can't be surprised by what just happened here on the beach.

yahooyahoo said:

drummerboy said:
A beating is not the proportional response to this. Our cops are the worst trained in the world in conflict resolution. It's an embarrassment.  That poor woman was probably this close to getting shot.
 Thank you drummerboy.  Punching her in the head was clearly excessive and not necessary.  The cop, who probably outweighs the woman by 75 pounds, is laying on top of her and then decides to hit her in the head.  Do we think he was taught that technique at the police academy? 

According to Wildwood's mayor, yes. Or maybe its police training, such as in the back of the station training, special for the Wildwood PD:

Wildwood mayor says bodycam footage will show N.J. cops followed their training during beach arrest

"She escalated the situation, saying something like, 'Don't you have something better to do?'" Wildwood Mayor Ernie Troiano said Monday.

He also said the town's officers were following their training.

"That's all part of the technique," he said. "We are taking an aggressive stance on underage drinking on the beach."


So remember, don't escalate by making a comment like "Don't you have something better to do?" You may be then the recipient of a police training approved beatdown.

 "We are a good town that treats people well, provided they act accordingly, that they act like adults and don't act foolishly," the mayor said.

Just keep your mouth shut and you won't get a beat down.....

unicorn33 said:
According to co ur t records, Weinman was arrested in 2 016 and charged with burglary, simple assault, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and recklessly endangering. She eventually pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts of simple assault and reckless endangerment and received four years’ probation.
No wonder she didn't want to give cops her name.

 Also, because they gave her a breathalyzer test and she passed. Cops should have given her a warning and moved on, but instead they insisted she give them her name and she refused, because, well, why would they need it?

ridski said:
 Also, because they gave her a breathalyzer test and she passed. Cops should have given her a warning and moved on, but instead they insisted she give them her name and she refused, because, well, why would they need it?

The offenders name should be gotten even if a warning is contemplated. Stopped violators are supposed to be checked for outstanding warrants.

I read in the NJ.com article that these guys were part-time cops hired for the summer season.  

My favorite part of this is the Wildwood mayor commented on this to the press - defending the officers - before even seeing the video.

Are people really that tone deaf? Do they not realize you can lose your job and/or your reputation by making dumb statements publicly? Apparently the answer is "yes."

She’s clearly a bit of a fcukup.  No doubt.  Still, not at all sure how that’s relevant regardless of whether one thinks the police response was justified or not. 

ctrzaska said:
She’s clearly a bit of a fcukup.  No doubt.  Still, not at all sure how that’s relevant regardless of whether one thinks the police response was justified or not. 

 It's the ex post facto "he/she is just riff-raff" defense.

Looks like excessive force to me.

Her prior history is irrelevant and in any event was not known to the officers.

What exactly did she do other than refuse to give her name? If she was engaged in illegal activity they should have placed her under arrest and if she resisted physically they should have used appropriate force. Punching her in the head is not appropriate force.

The simple fact is that she gave the cop some lip, and he couldn't handle it and needed to show her who's boss. He should be fired.

its relevant because she has a history of violence and may have really been fighting the cops.

She did not JUST give lip.

She WAS engaged in illegal activity..underage possession of alcohol in a no alcohol allowed area....one point she supposedly admitted she was drinking even though the breathalyzer was supposedly negative (maybe she meant she wasn't legally drunk according to the breathalyzer?)

tjohn said:

ctrzaska said:
She’s clearly a bit of a fcukup.  No doubt.  Still, not at all sure how that’s relevant regardless of whether one thinks the police response was justified or not. 
 It's the ex post facto "he/she is just riff-raff" defense.

I guess I’m confused how one thinks that matters.  I mean, maybe sorta kinda when someone is taking down a cop killer or school shooter or similar and emotions and adrenaline are absolutely through the roof (not necessarily excusable, but understandable IMO), but not this. 

jmitw said:
its relevant because she has a history of violence and may have really been fighting the cops.

She did not JUST give lip.

 Her history of violence (and let’s be real- she’s not a serial killer) IS irrelevant.  What was happening at the time is.  

jmitw said:
its relevant because she has a history of violence and may have really been fighting the cops.

She did not JUST give lip.

She WAS engaged in illegal activity..underage possession of alcohol in a no alcohol allowed area....one point she supposedly admitted she was drinking even though the breathalyzer was supposedly negative (maybe she meant she wasn't legally drunk according to the breathalyzer?)

 Hear, hear!!!  We need to have summary executions right on the beach.  That'll put a stop to this hooliganism.

Call out the Guard.  I want to see Hummers on the beach.

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