Parking Receipt from Newark Airport

Does anyone know if it's possible to get a replacement receipt for the parking lots at Newark Airport?
Unfortunately, I lost a receipt that I need.

I know, in hindsight it would have been smart to pay with EZPass.


Did you pay with a credit card?

Yes. So I have a record of the payment but I need the actual receipt for my expense report.
Archaic but required.

Make a fake one- they would never know.

yahooyahoo said:

Yes. So I have a record of the payment but I need the actual receipt for my expense report.
Archaic but required.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who still has to tape the damn things to a piece of paper and fax/pdf them over. Please.

sometimes I have to do that, still. Usually, I scan them and send the scan along with an invoice.

ctrzaska said:

yahooyahoo said:

Yes. So I have a record of the payment but I need the actual receipt for my expense report.
Archaic but required.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who still has to tape the damn things to a piece of paper and fax/pdf them over. Please.

I just had to do it for a work week in Chicago. P.I.T.A. but I want my money" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">

ctrzaska said:

yahooyahoo said:

Yes. So I have a record of the payment but I need the actual receipt for my expense report.
Archaic but required.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who still has to tape the damn things to a piece of paper and fax/pdf them over. Please.

Hahaha nope. The "money man" at a major retailer I've been consulting for INSISTS that I have to print the fax cover page in Concur , then fax copies to the 800 number, then upload the pdf. I've been skipping the fax step for about a year abd half. Scanning the receipts is still a PITA.

Yikes - I have about 1k a month in expenses and thankfully if I lose a receipt I can just write a note for what it was and if I used a cc show the transaction.

My previous company made us tape the receipts to a blank page and submit them with the expense report.

My current company doesn't require that, but I still have to submit them by stapling to the expense report.

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