NJ Transit fare increase - it's official

Interesting and crappy.  So much for Sampsons statements of no increases,.

Oh and I wonder if the $130 transit tax deferred cap thingy will be able to go up by 9% too. I doubt it though. 

I wonder why they can't reinstate the $230 cap? But that's federal...

scottgreenstone said:

Oh and I wonder if the $130 transit tax deferred cap thingy will be able to go up by 9% too. I doubt it though. 


Oh - it was $230? LOL - guess it really has been a while for me cheese

Well, let me pass on a tip for those 62 or older I just learned about, you qualify for reduced one way fares, so 40 one way trips to Penn Station are only $130.  Happy Old Age!

At 62 years of age, one can qualify for an NJT senior citizen card.  It is such a huge money saver that commuting daily using senior citizen tickets can be less expensive than purchasing a monthly ticket.

ETA:  Another advantage is that senior citizen tickets can be purchased on the train with no penalty fee.

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