Thank you! Is the spay/neuter service available only to South Orange and Maplewood residents, or can residents of other towns also make appointments?
from Robert Roe: Residents of any town can attend. Note that van goes to several different towns. Call AHS for schedule and to make an appointment.
Thanks again! This is a great service, and I hope people are taking advantage of it.
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More info
from Robert Roe: The Associated Humane Societies continues to provide excellent service locally in low cost dog and cat spay/neuter and vaccinations and well care. They will be parked in front of maplewood Town Hall on Tuesday Nov. 26 for surgery. Call 973-824-7080 x118 for an appointment.
On December 18th they will be in front of Town Hall to do well care such as vaccinations. If you need an updated rabies vaccination for the 2020 dog or cat license, this is a good time to get one. AHS will be doing spay/neuter surgery on December 20.. Again call 973-824-7080 x118 for an appointment.
In case you are not aware of this, both dog and cat licenses are required to be obtained by the end of January of each year. The purpose of this is to prevent rabies. The first line of defense against rabies is to vaccinate your dogs and cats. Rabies in wild animals continues to be found in our area.