Model Rockets

Anyone know a place to launch model rockets in the area?


I don't, but used to loooove that when I was a kid.

This came up last year, we have used floods hill with smaller engines, but I got lectured for it.

Cape Canaveral? NASA isn't using it." width="" height="" alt="smirk" style="border:0;">

When my sons were into model rockets, years and years ago, the company that made the engines wouldn't sell to them until a responsible adult, i.e. their dad, got a license from the NJ Department of Labor. There were a whole bunch of rules that went along with the license, including where and when you were allowed to fire them, and where and when you couldn't. I don't know if such restrictions are still in effect, but it might be something you would want to check into.

Our sons, and their dad had a lot of fun with their rockets, and they learned a lot, too.

My son and I use to do this when he was a kid. It was a lot of good times together.

I am sure it is not allowed, but Wetland park in SO behind the GasLight Commons Apt. unit would be the perfect spot as long as no Soccor, Baseball is in progress.

But, everything is not allowed anywhere, so I am sure that it is not allowed.

Keep searching.

+1 for the GSSS club mentioned by Brick Pig above ( We've been to the monthly launch at North Branch Park a few times. The down side is that it is a 40 minute drive. For us this is more than offset by a number of benefits:
1) the space is large and fairly open, limiting (though trust me not eliminating) the risk that your rocket drifts off into the trees
2) you'll find helpful hobbyists that are more than willing to help when problems arise (one helped glue a damaged fin so that we could get in additional launches after a rough landing)
3) you'll get a chance to see a number of other kit rockets as well as interesting original creations
4) you don't need to buy or bring your own launch equipment - they provide the launch controller and pad
5) you won't get ticketed for launching rockets without a permit!

Tom_Reingold said:

You can make very small rockets with materials on hand.

Very nice. My nephews will enjoy this very much.

Tom_Reingold said:

You can make very small rockets with materials on hand.

I did this last weekend "with the kids". It was more for me. It was pretty cool!

I might try it soon, too. It looks fun and easy.

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