Maplewood Karate


Traditional Japanese Karate Judo & Self defense.

973 996 8066

and it's freaking A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!

Really A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I don't know about my classmates but I leave feeling completely energized, stress-free, and even relaxed. Very therapeutic for wildly busy multitasking moms.

I have never done kickboxing, but would love to try it. Is this class appropriate for a chubby beginner?

Posted By: esq2I have never done kickboxing, but would love to try it. Is this class appropriate for a chubby beginner?

Absolutely, go at your own pace, feel free to come in and try a class.

I would like to do this .. but I'm SO OUT OF SHAPE !! plus losing those extra pounds in the belly would be fantastic .. and tone up those muscles !! I definitely have to start as a beginner cheese

edited to add: why not know some self defense =)

I kickboxed for years and nothing can hold a candle to it - love it...

Any plans to add evening classes for us working stiffs? I still have my gloves cheese

Posted By: bigriverTry a free class on me kid, it's $60.00 a month for one class a week, $100.00 for twice a week or unlimited witch includes Karate classes if you like.

You convince me .. will go !! when is the next class ??

so its a class for adults?

Posted By: doubleteeAny plans to add evening classes for us working stiffs? I still have my gloves cheese

Yes in December.

Posted By: aveoamareso its a class for adults?

Yes adults only, a parent and child class will be added in Dec as-well.

cool I'm going to try one out, maybe next Tuesday! I need to be whipped back into shape.

I think we are pretty much all beginners in the class (have only been doing it about 4-6 weeks) and we really go at our own pace, and have a lot of fun doing it. Added benefit: your family has a whole new level of respect for you when you come home with boxing gloves!

Is this something an "old lady" of 55 can handle? I'm chubby, way out of shape, and feeling older than I am. I used to be fit, but that was a lifetime ago.

Posted By: doubleteeI kickboxed for years and nothing can hold a candle to it - love it...

Agreed. It is the best all-around workout!

Posted By: cc827I think we are pretty much all beginners in the class (have only been doing it about 4-6 weeks) and we really go at our own pace, and have a lot of fun doing it. Added benefit: your family has a whole new level of respect for you when you come home with boxing gloves!


We are all beginners. I think the youngest in the class is 40yrs. old.
I swear, I have NEVER enjoyed a workout like I enjoy this class. I think we laugh as hard as we sweat.

You're going to have a new youngest, I'm 27

I'm going to be really embarrassed when the 40 yr olds can out kick box me though! LOL

(totally out of shape after having a baby!)

It is a fantabulous class--you do leave feeling utterly invigorated. And I thought I was out of shape too, but I think I kept up OK (Sharon?). It's been a rough fall in the MATB household and that punching and kicking was the most cathartic thing I've done, ever. Worked out a whole lot of frustration and aggravation. My only regret is that I didn't start the classes months ago--took my first class last Thursday and looking forward to my second this week. Although it remains to be seen if my bum knee will withstand the kicking part.

And I'm closer to 55 than I am to 40! :cry:

You TOTALLY kept up, meand!
But really, none of us care about anyone else's skill level or where we fall physically. I don't judge or compare myself to the people in the class and I don't get the impression that they do that to me. (Granted, I am friends with most of them.)
Just a bunch of women who really want a new workout, that keeps us interested, and shows results.

Yup. Totally non-competitive! All good.

I've seen sharon recently and she's got results, baby!


What many aren't admitting on this thread is that "results" can alternatively be translated as "ability to do serious damage to you the next time you leave the seat up". If ctrzwife comes home one day and wants to show off the new flying scissorkick to the head she's been practicing... I'm moving into the garage. Just sayin'.

Posted By: ctrzaskaWhat many aren't admitting on this thread is that "results" can alternatively be translated as "ability to do serious damage to you the next time you leave the seat up". If ctrzwife comes home one day and wants to show off the new flying scissorkick to the head she's been practicing... I'm moving into the garage. Just sayin'.

OR, maybe, you should just put the seat down and take out the garbage.:wink:

edited to add: :winkkiss: to the Pipster.

Posted By: ctrzaskaWhat many aren't admitting on this thread is that "results" can alternatively be translated as "ability to do serious damage to you the next time you leave the seat up". If ctrzwife comes home one day and wants to show off the new flying scissorkick to the head she's been practicing... I'm moving into the garage. Just sayin'.

I thought you moved in to the garage eons ago, when the bats moved in to the house. Really, what's a scissor kick to the head compared to bat fangs anyway. Perhaps YOU should take the class so you can use the kick on the bats!

To be honest, I actually do both of those things with astonishing regularity. Leaving my coat hanging on the closet doorknob is another story, however. :bigsmile:

ETA: meand: The goddamn raccoon was in the garage. Nowhere is safe at ctrzhouse....

Posted By: ctrzaskaI actually do both of those things with astonishing regularity.

Me too.

Posted By: ctrzaskaETA: meand: The goddamn raccoon was in the garage. Nowhere is safe at ctrzhouse....

The critters are all out to get you. What did you do to them?

Love it! We look totally (well, maybe not TOTALLY, but we are soooo gettting there!) bad-ass in the photos.:cool:

oh man that looks fun!

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