Maplewood Drafts Resolution to Oppose NJT Fare Increases

Passing a resolution in areas outside their span of authority is one of the most annoying forms of political showboating.

scottgreenstone said:

Hopefully it works, but given my experience, its a hard battle to fight." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

 Agreed.  Communities such as Maplewood (and South Orange) which rely so much on NJT, aren't listened to as much as non-transit-dependent suburbs which are the base of the current Administration in NJ.

ramzzoinksus said:

Passing a resolution in areas outside their span of authority is one of the most annoying forms of political showboating.

 There's nothing wrong with expressing the interest of the municipality they represent, on a state issue like this.  NJT holds hearings, after all, and you wouldn't say that elected representatives shouldn't submit statements to those hearings.  On second thought, I won't presume what you'd say.


Passing a resolution in areas outside their span of authority is one of the most annoying forms of political showboating.

 Are you suggesting that lobbying in general should not be allowed?  Isn't that what the resolution is?

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