Looking for Summer Camps for a 6 year old.

We have decided to skip the town camp here in South Orange this year. Can anyone suggest a good day camp, for any time frame from a week to the whole summer, for a little boy moving from kindergarten to the first grade?

I highly recommend Willow Lake!

PM me if you have any questions or want more info.

Bump. I have been looking at more short term options like Rocket Camp. I heard somewhere that there is a skate boarding camp. Anyone know of any more options like these?

Camp Oasis in Union. Wonderful day camp that uses the grounds of Liberty Hall and the pool of Kean University. I think you can go for as short as a week, but their website can tell you more.

chalmers said:

Camp Oasis in Union. Wonderful day camp that uses the grounds of Liberty Hall and the pool of Kean University. I think you can go for as short as a week, but their website can tell you more.


Turtle Back Zoo has week long camps for kindergarteners through 5th grade.

Contact the Montclair Y Camp at the lake Great camp wonderful staff very affordable. You drop the kids in Montclair they bus them to the camp. then you pick them up. http://www.montclairymca.org/?s=+camp

My husband Paul Breene and I have lived in South Orange for almost 30 years. He is one of the owners of Camp Riverbend and we'd love to tell you more about it! Riverbend is about 20-30 minutes from South Orange/Maplewood. We have just added hot lunch included for all campers for 2017! Our next Open House is Saturday February 25 (10 am -12 noon) but we also give private family tours most weekends and weekdays.

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